Minutes NCIP-IG Conference Call
Feb. 14, 2003
1. Announcements, heads Up.
Frances has set up the Active Implementations page and distributed the password to designated representatives of organizations that are active. After discussion, it was decided that John Bodfish would update the grid of messages and send it to Frances to post. After this additions and changes should be sent to Frances rather than John. It was suggested that there should be a link to profiles on the NISO site on an interim page between the Active Implementations site and the actual grid.
2. NCIP Maintenance Agency.
Frances reported that she had talked to Pat Harris at NISO. Pat still did not have a Maintenance Agency but had been talking to at least one potential volunteer site. Frances had also talked to Anne Beaubien of the ALA RUSS ILL Committee. She had talked to her committee at ALA Midwinter and they suggested a combined committee of their members and the ALA LAMA SASS Circulation/Access Committee might be a possibility. Frances asked her to contact Pat Harris about this.
3. Next face-to-face meeting.
Tony O'Brien of OCLC will send a posting concerning reservations for the hotel for the April meeting. It was decided that the substance of the agenda would be put off until the March conference call but that everyone would assume that "low stress" items would be reserved for the last afternoon as people will be leaving. So far it seemed like approximately 10 people would be coming. Steve Gregory said he could not do the travel and there was some discussion of doing a conference call for a part of the agenda.
4. Action Items from the last meeting:
Friday March 21 10 AM EST. Innovative Interfaces Inc. will sponsor the call.
- Steve Gregory
- Bob Gray
- Shankar
- John Barr
- Ted Koppel
- Tony O'Brien
- Mark Needleman
- Barbara Vance
- Jens Dill
- John Bodfish
- Sue Boettcher
- Kevin Stewart
- Frances McNamara
1. Announcements, heads Up.
Frances has set up the Active Implementations page and distributed the password to designated representatives of organizations that are active. After discussion, it was decided that John Bodfish would update the grid of messages and send it to Frances to post. After this additions and changes should be sent to Frances rather than John. It was suggested that there should be a link to profiles on the NISO site on an interim page between the Active Implementations site and the actual grid.
2. NCIP Maintenance Agency.
Frances reported that she had talked to Pat Harris at NISO. Pat still did not have a Maintenance Agency but had been talking to at least one potential volunteer site. Frances had also talked to Anne Beaubien of the ALA RUSS ILL Committee. She had talked to her committee at ALA Midwinter and they suggested a combined committee of their members and the ALA LAMA SASS Circulation/Access Committee might be a possibility. Frances asked her to contact Pat Harris about this.
3. Next face-to-face meeting.
Tony O'Brien of OCLC will send a posting concerning reservations for the hotel for the April meeting. It was decided that the substance of the agenda would be put off until the March conference call but that everyone would assume that "low stress" items would be reserved for the last afternoon as people will be leaving. So far it seemed like approximately 10 people would be coming. Steve Gregory said he could not do the travel and there was some discussion of doing a conference call for a part of the agenda.
4. Action Items from the last meeting:
- Web seminar (for consultants). It was decided that a subcommittee of Gail Wanner, Barbara Vance, Mark Needleman and Frances McNamara will work up this presentation and show it to the broader group before offering it to consultants. No progress was reported on this item.
- Messages/profiles supportedí grid. Frances had posted the most recent version to a pass-worded portion of the web site and distributed the password. It was decided that maintenance of the grid should go to Frances so John Bodfish will send what he has.
- Password protected portion of the NCIP-IG web site. Frances had set this up and distributed passwords.
- XML test data. Tony had put this out and it is posted to both the list and the web page. Tony had some feedback from Sirsi but would wait for more feedback before putting out another version.
- Organizations will report on Z39.50 holdings record structures & data elements which map to NCIP data elements. OCLC, Ex Libris, Innovative Interfaces, Inc., Sirsi and TLC The Library Corporation had provided information which has been posted. The others need to send theirs to the list.
- Mark Needleman had posted information about LDAP schema mapping to NCIP elements to the list for comments and suggestions.
- John will post proposal on how to do patron name queries in an NCIP application environment. Not yet done.
- Implementer's guidelines. Some guidelines that had been discussed have not yet been proposed and posted. These include the discussion of invariant character handling, and a couple of others.
- In the last call, John Bodfish proposed that NCIP-IG register the NCIP internet protocol with the name "ncip" for the socket connection for NCIP messaging. After discussion it was decided this would do no harm and could be useful. Since a specific person needs to be named, John will provide Frances with this request to register the defined transport mechanism for TCP/IP under NCIP and this will be submitted to IANA. A second issue raised by Tony O'Brien was whether there needs to be a fourth transport mechanism added to the protocol that would allow for a secure way to transfer on top of TCP. Should SSL on top of TCP go into the Implementation Profile. This needs to be put on a list of open issues to be tracked and Tony needs to make a proposal and post it to the list. Not yet done
Friday March 21 10 AM EST. Innovative Interfaces Inc. will sponsor the call.