Minutes NCIP-IG Conference Call Meeting
Mar. 30, 2004
The group agreed to add a discussion of Communications Procedures and an update from the recent IPIG meeting to the agenda for this call.
DTD Changes
No substantial changes or objects have been posted in response to the version 1.01 posted to the listserv in January. The changes in version 1.01 were the results of the November, 2003 meeting of the Implementation Group.
O'Brien will confirm that the changes in version 1.01 will be backwards compatible with applications using the current version of the DTD.
Needleman volunteered to complete the documentation necessary for version 1.01.
Maintenance Agency will publish version via NCIP website and assure that NISO references this latest version.
Implementation Agreement on use included in May Agenda.
Defect Reports
Wrede to post defects from November meeting to NCIP listserv and web site for comment/discussion.
Agenda for Next Meeting
Next meeting will be Monday May 10 and Tuesday May 11 at the Warwick Hotel, Denver. See NCIP website for details.
Tentative Agenda for May 10/11 determined from this phone call
NCIP Directory
Subcommittee meeting to be held 8:30am - noon on Wednesday May 12, in room 515 of Colorado Department of Education ñ 201 E. Colfax. At this point in time attendees to include: Ted Koppel, Gail Wanner, Mark Needleman, Steve Wrede, and possibly Ed Davidson. Others are invited to attend.
Communication Procedures
Koppel noted that as much communication as possible should go out to the entire NCIP listserv. The others in the group agreed and Maintenance Agency will assure this.
Update from IPIG and implications for NCIP directory
Server for ILL directory has been available as a pilot from OCLC, but very little traffic or interest has been generated. These lacks of traffic/interest along with staff changes at OCLC make the continuation of this service unlikely.
Meeting costs
It was agreed that the costs (room charges and food) for the next meeting will be split among the attendees. Each attendee will receive an invoice for their share at the meeting. The estimate for the per attendee costs are $50-$100.
Comments and suggestions for the NCIP website are encouraged. Please send directly to Steve Wrede.
Bailey-Hainer to pursue additional information on RFP guide by May meeting.
Bailey-Hainer will chat with NISO about any plans they have to market NCIP by May meeting.
Bailey-Hainer/Wrede to determine dinner plans for evening of May 10. Group wants variety!
- Barbara Vance
- Ted Koppel
- Tony O'Brien
- Mark Needleman
- Sue Boettcher
- Steve Wrede
- Steve Gregory
- Brenda Bailey-Hainer
- Randy Menakes
- Gail Wanner
- Kevin Stewart
- Rob Gray and additional GIS Information Systems staff
The group agreed to add a discussion of Communications Procedures and an update from the recent IPIG meeting to the agenda for this call.
DTD Changes
No substantial changes or objects have been posted in response to the version 1.01 posted to the listserv in January. The changes in version 1.01 were the results of the November, 2003 meeting of the Implementation Group.
O'Brien will confirm that the changes in version 1.01 will be backwards compatible with applications using the current version of the DTD.
Needleman volunteered to complete the documentation necessary for version 1.01.
Maintenance Agency will publish version via NCIP website and assure that NISO references this latest version.
Implementation Agreement on use included in May Agenda.
Defect Reports
Wrede to post defects from November meeting to NCIP listserv and web site for comment/discussion.
Agenda for Next Meeting
Next meeting will be Monday May 10 and Tuesday May 11 at the Warwick Hotel, Denver. See NCIP website for details.
Tentative Agenda for May 10/11 determined from this phone call
- Discussion of timeframe for Implementation Group to transition to version 1.01 of DTD.
- Status of current NCIP implementations- each member to report.
- Status update from NCIP Maintenance Agency.
- New proposals
- Updates from other standards (IPIG, Meta Search Authentication, and others.)M
- Marketing and Promotion of NCIP
- Application Profiles
- Revisit proposal for NCIP Remote Patron Authentication (Gregory)
- Review of current agreement for Application Profile (OíBrien and Needleman)
- Discussion of changes for Application Profile template (Gregory and Wrede)
- Need for a NCIP directory
- Review and determine need from the entire Implementation Group. Preparation for the subcommittee meeting on Wednesday, May 12.
- New Implementation Group members
- Particular attention should be directed to organizations with NCIP clients to assist with testing and development of NCIP servers.
- Agenda for May 10, 11 meeting to be finalized by April 30
NCIP Directory
Subcommittee meeting to be held 8:30am - noon on Wednesday May 12, in room 515 of Colorado Department of Education ñ 201 E. Colfax. At this point in time attendees to include: Ted Koppel, Gail Wanner, Mark Needleman, Steve Wrede, and possibly Ed Davidson. Others are invited to attend.
Communication Procedures
Koppel noted that as much communication as possible should go out to the entire NCIP listserv. The others in the group agreed and Maintenance Agency will assure this.
Update from IPIG and implications for NCIP directory
Server for ILL directory has been available as a pilot from OCLC, but very little traffic or interest has been generated. These lacks of traffic/interest along with staff changes at OCLC make the continuation of this service unlikely.
Meeting costs
It was agreed that the costs (room charges and food) for the next meeting will be split among the attendees. Each attendee will receive an invoice for their share at the meeting. The estimate for the per attendee costs are $50-$100.
Comments and suggestions for the NCIP website are encouraged. Please send directly to Steve Wrede.
Bailey-Hainer to pursue additional information on RFP guide by May meeting.
Bailey-Hainer will chat with NISO about any plans they have to market NCIP by May meeting.
Bailey-Hainer/Wrede to determine dinner plans for evening of May 10. Group wants variety!