NCIP IG Conference Phone Call
Apr. 14, 2005
Wrede took roll call and reviewed the agenda topics. The topic of Proposal for Informational Message as posted to the listserv by Needleman was added to the agenda.
Preparation for NCIP presentation at the LITA National Conference this fall - Wanner noted that presenters for DCB and Self-Service applications have been established. The original presenter for CRC/ILL application is not available. Davidson at FDI has been asked to determine if he could provide a presenter for this application.
If none can be identified a possible fall back would to include Bindery Service or Reciprocal Borrowing applications.
As a side conversation it was noted that Ted Koppel will no longer an active member of NCIP IG, and he has several contacts among EBook vendors regarding the use of NCIP.
Zemon noted that GIS is developing business partnership with several of the EBook vendors.
Wrede offered to contact Koppel to get a list of contacts within the EBook community and any background information.
Patron Authentication and Patron Inquiry - Gregory reviewed the two profiles – Patron Authentication and Basic Patron Authentication - that were posted to the listserv with the suggestions and revisions from the March meeting.
The group agreed that these profiles can be used as the basis for creating the wider Patron Inquiry application. Wanner will begin work with her group in this area.
The profiles as distributed have been approved and will be posted to the NCIP website.
Bindery Profile - Needleman noted that the information distributed to the listserv was a description of the messages used in creating a specific application for SF-System bindery product.
The question if there was really a need for a full Bindery Application at this time was raised and discussed.
It was determined at this point that there may not be a need for a full Bindery Application, but some additional documentation describing the specification application with SF-System is needed.
Proposal for Informational Message - Needleman reviewed the message distributed to the listserv, which grew out the discussions at the March NCIP IG meeting. Needleman noted that discussion needs to be held on how it would be incorporated into the DTD.
Roadmap to NCIP - Discussion was tabled since John Bodfish was unavailable to participate in the call. We anticipate a revision by Bodfish posted to the listserv in the near future. The topic will be included as a topic for the May 12, conference call.
Logistics and location of October NCIP IG meeting - Boland confirmed that III will sponsor this meeting. It will not be held at III headquarters, but at an appropriate space nearby. This meeting will be on October 3 and 4th following the LITA National Forum in San Jose. The NCIP Circulation Policy Exchange group will meet the morning of October 5.
Next Phone Call - Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 9am Pacific, 10am Mountain, 11am Central, and noon Eastern.
Agenda topics and call details to be posted a week before the call.
- Colorado State Library: Steve Gregory, Steve Wrede
- Dynix: Gail Wanner, Shelley Neville
- EnvisionWare, Inc.: Rob Walsh
- ExLibris (USA) Inc.: Randy Menakes
- GIS Information Systems: Candy Zemon
- Innovative Interfaces Inc.: Jason Boland
- Sirsi Corporation: Mark Needleman
- VTLS Inc.: Scott Mayberry
Wrede took roll call and reviewed the agenda topics. The topic of Proposal for Informational Message as posted to the listserv by Needleman was added to the agenda.
Preparation for NCIP presentation at the LITA National Conference this fall - Wanner noted that presenters for DCB and Self-Service applications have been established. The original presenter for CRC/ILL application is not available. Davidson at FDI has been asked to determine if he could provide a presenter for this application.
If none can be identified a possible fall back would to include Bindery Service or Reciprocal Borrowing applications.
- Needleman to contact possible presenter to represent the Bindery Service application.
- Wanner and Neville to do the same on Reciprocal Borrowing.
- Wanner to assure that forms are completed and sent into LITA to meet the deadlines.
As a side conversation it was noted that Ted Koppel will no longer an active member of NCIP IG, and he has several contacts among EBook vendors regarding the use of NCIP.
Zemon noted that GIS is developing business partnership with several of the EBook vendors.
Wrede offered to contact Koppel to get a list of contacts within the EBook community and any background information.
Patron Authentication and Patron Inquiry - Gregory reviewed the two profiles – Patron Authentication and Basic Patron Authentication - that were posted to the listserv with the suggestions and revisions from the March meeting.
The group agreed that these profiles can be used as the basis for creating the wider Patron Inquiry application. Wanner will begin work with her group in this area.
The profiles as distributed have been approved and will be posted to the NCIP website.
Bindery Profile - Needleman noted that the information distributed to the listserv was a description of the messages used in creating a specific application for SF-System bindery product.
The question if there was really a need for a full Bindery Application at this time was raised and discussed.
It was determined at this point that there may not be a need for a full Bindery Application, but some additional documentation describing the specification application with SF-System is needed.
- Needleman will revise and expand his original message posted to listerv and distribute to Mayberry for additional comments. The expanded information to be posted to the listserv in time for the June 9 conference call.
- Other members of NCIP IG should review this documentation in context of their own bindery partners.
Proposal for Informational Message - Needleman reviewed the message distributed to the listserv, which grew out the discussions at the March NCIP IG meeting. Needleman noted that discussion needs to be held on how it would be incorporated into the DTD.
- Needleman to resubmit his message to the listeserv to encourage more discussion, and topic will be included as part of May 12, conference call.
Roadmap to NCIP - Discussion was tabled since John Bodfish was unavailable to participate in the call. We anticipate a revision by Bodfish posted to the listserv in the near future. The topic will be included as a topic for the May 12, conference call.
Logistics and location of October NCIP IG meeting - Boland confirmed that III will sponsor this meeting. It will not be held at III headquarters, but at an appropriate space nearby. This meeting will be on October 3 and 4th following the LITA National Forum in San Jose. The NCIP Circulation Policy Exchange group will meet the morning of October 5.
Next Phone Call - Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 9am Pacific, 10am Mountain, 11am Central, and noon Eastern.
Agenda topics and call details to be posted a week before the call.