NCIP-IG Conference Call Minutes
Dec. 12, 2005
Randy Menakes announced that Ted Koppel will be taking over as the Ex Libris representative to the NCIP-IG since responsibility for standards is moving internally to the Product Management area. The group thanked Randy for his participation and contributions over the years, and welcomed Ted’s return.
1. Date and location of the Spring 2006 meeting
Menakes and Koppel provided details on the location of the Ex Libris office in Newton, MA, travel logistics, and nearby features including the Sheraton immediately across the street from the Ex Libris office. Bailey-Hainer explained the logic of scheduling the meeting to precede the PLA 2006 conference meeting in Boston. Besides the possibility of reducing travel expenses for those attending PLA anyway, it is hoped that there may be opportunity to include some PLA attendees at the NCIP-IG meeting.
The group agreed that the next meeting would be scheduled for March 20 and 21, 2006 with Ex Libris as the sponsor. The meeting will be held either at the Ex Libris office in Newton, MA or the nearby Newton Sheraton. The Circulation Policy Exchange sub-group will meet the morning of March 22.
2. Marketing update
Zemon reported that based on the success of the NCIP presentation at the Oct 2005 LITA conference that another presentation for the Oct 2006 LITA conference in Nashville was being considered.
Proposals are due December 15, 2005. The proposal and presentation for 2006 need to be different than that for the Oct 2005 presentation in order to be accepted. It was agreed that applications for NCIP in areas outside of circulation and traditional library services should be considered for the proposal. These would include e-commerce, circ/ILL, the gathering of circulation statistics, self-charge, and e-books. The goal would be to demonstrate the breadth of NCIP.
Koppel agreed to write a draft proposal and distribute it to the marketing subgroup for comment, and to submit the proposal by the December 15 deadline. Others in the group (Walsh, Fuller, and Davidson) agreed to investigate potential topics and customers for consideration as part of the presentation.
Bailey-Hainer has been invited to speak on the topic of the use and implementation of current standards for resource sharing at a RUSA section program during summer 2006 ALA called "Global Resource Sharing Standards: Interoperability or Impasse?" This will be an opportunity to promote the use of NCIP to another audience.
3. Report from the NCIP-IG discussion on filling the ISO ILL void
Davidson reported on the meeting that was held immediately following the last NCIP IG meeting on October 4, 2005, in San Jose. The group once again expressed the difficulties in not having information on the status of version 3 of the ISO ILL standard and the needs of the overall ILL community. Davidson will attempt to gather information on the current status of ISO ILL version 3, and make a suggestion that members of the IPIG group meet during ALA midwinter.
4. Road Map to NCIP supporting documents
The revised document on Enumerated Types posted to the listserv by Walsh on Nov 10, 2005 was discussed. The document was approved for inclusion to the overall Road Map.
The document on NCIP's Data Dictionary posted to the listserv by Dill on Dec 5 was discussed. Bodfish reported that he had questions on the topic of schema versus DTD that had not been posted to the entire listserv. Bodfish will post his questions to the listserv to generate discussion.
The group also discussed the need for a final editorial group to be created to review all of the documents in the Road Map once the remaining supporting documents are created and approved.
The need to include some sample message dumps as part of the explanation of protocol transfer was discussed. Grey will post some raw XML samples as TCP examples.
Koppel asked that discussion on the Road Map be included at the next meeting.
The Maintenance Agency will post the Road Map on the website as a draft document.
5. Application Profile Template
Davidson reported that he successfully used the new Template in revising his Application Profile.
The group approved the Template and noted Menakes' contributions to this document.
The Maintenance Agency will post the revised Application Profile Template to the website in an appropriate area since it is a non-normative section of the protocol and will contact NISO to have them point to this updated template.
Bodfish will include a reference to the updated template in the general Road Map to NCIP document.
6. Harmonization between CIRC and ILL
Davidson briefly reviewed his document that was posted to the listserv on Oct 3, 2005. The document identifies services common to both the DCB and C/ILL profiles, and compares the corresponding data elements used in the profiles.
It was noted that this document should be used for the next generation of DCB and C/ILL profiles or in the creation of new application profiles.
The Maintenance Agency will post this as an information document to the website.
7. Next phone call
Scheduled for Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 10am MST. Davidson will confirm that Fretwell-Downing will sponsor this call.
8. Remaining Items
Time ran out before the action items from the Oct. 3-4, 2005 meeting could be reviewed. Wrede will post the outstanding action items to the listserv.
- Colorado State Library – Brenda Bailey-Hainer (Chair), Steve Gregory, and Steve Wrede
- EnvisionWare, Inc – Rob Walsh
- Ex Libris (USA) Inc – Randy Menakes and Ted Koppel
- Fretwell Downing, Inc. – Ed Davidson and John Bodfish
- Overdrive, Inc. – Russ Fuller
- Polaris Library Systems – Candy Zemon and Robert Gray
Randy Menakes announced that Ted Koppel will be taking over as the Ex Libris representative to the NCIP-IG since responsibility for standards is moving internally to the Product Management area. The group thanked Randy for his participation and contributions over the years, and welcomed Ted’s return.
1. Date and location of the Spring 2006 meeting
Menakes and Koppel provided details on the location of the Ex Libris office in Newton, MA, travel logistics, and nearby features including the Sheraton immediately across the street from the Ex Libris office. Bailey-Hainer explained the logic of scheduling the meeting to precede the PLA 2006 conference meeting in Boston. Besides the possibility of reducing travel expenses for those attending PLA anyway, it is hoped that there may be opportunity to include some PLA attendees at the NCIP-IG meeting.
The group agreed that the next meeting would be scheduled for March 20 and 21, 2006 with Ex Libris as the sponsor. The meeting will be held either at the Ex Libris office in Newton, MA or the nearby Newton Sheraton. The Circulation Policy Exchange sub-group will meet the morning of March 22.
2. Marketing update
Zemon reported that based on the success of the NCIP presentation at the Oct 2005 LITA conference that another presentation for the Oct 2006 LITA conference in Nashville was being considered.
Proposals are due December 15, 2005. The proposal and presentation for 2006 need to be different than that for the Oct 2005 presentation in order to be accepted. It was agreed that applications for NCIP in areas outside of circulation and traditional library services should be considered for the proposal. These would include e-commerce, circ/ILL, the gathering of circulation statistics, self-charge, and e-books. The goal would be to demonstrate the breadth of NCIP.
Koppel agreed to write a draft proposal and distribute it to the marketing subgroup for comment, and to submit the proposal by the December 15 deadline. Others in the group (Walsh, Fuller, and Davidson) agreed to investigate potential topics and customers for consideration as part of the presentation.
Bailey-Hainer has been invited to speak on the topic of the use and implementation of current standards for resource sharing at a RUSA section program during summer 2006 ALA called "Global Resource Sharing Standards: Interoperability or Impasse?" This will be an opportunity to promote the use of NCIP to another audience.
3. Report from the NCIP-IG discussion on filling the ISO ILL void
Davidson reported on the meeting that was held immediately following the last NCIP IG meeting on October 4, 2005, in San Jose. The group once again expressed the difficulties in not having information on the status of version 3 of the ISO ILL standard and the needs of the overall ILL community. Davidson will attempt to gather information on the current status of ISO ILL version 3, and make a suggestion that members of the IPIG group meet during ALA midwinter.
4. Road Map to NCIP supporting documents
The revised document on Enumerated Types posted to the listserv by Walsh on Nov 10, 2005 was discussed. The document was approved for inclusion to the overall Road Map.
The document on NCIP's Data Dictionary posted to the listserv by Dill on Dec 5 was discussed. Bodfish reported that he had questions on the topic of schema versus DTD that had not been posted to the entire listserv. Bodfish will post his questions to the listserv to generate discussion.
The group also discussed the need for a final editorial group to be created to review all of the documents in the Road Map once the remaining supporting documents are created and approved.
The need to include some sample message dumps as part of the explanation of protocol transfer was discussed. Grey will post some raw XML samples as TCP examples.
Koppel asked that discussion on the Road Map be included at the next meeting.
The Maintenance Agency will post the Road Map on the website as a draft document.
5. Application Profile Template
Davidson reported that he successfully used the new Template in revising his Application Profile.
The group approved the Template and noted Menakes' contributions to this document.
The Maintenance Agency will post the revised Application Profile Template to the website in an appropriate area since it is a non-normative section of the protocol and will contact NISO to have them point to this updated template.
Bodfish will include a reference to the updated template in the general Road Map to NCIP document.
6. Harmonization between CIRC and ILL
Davidson briefly reviewed his document that was posted to the listserv on Oct 3, 2005. The document identifies services common to both the DCB and C/ILL profiles, and compares the corresponding data elements used in the profiles.
It was noted that this document should be used for the next generation of DCB and C/ILL profiles or in the creation of new application profiles.
The Maintenance Agency will post this as an information document to the website.
7. Next phone call
Scheduled for Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 10am MST. Davidson will confirm that Fretwell-Downing will sponsor this call.
8. Remaining Items
Time ran out before the action items from the Oct. 3-4, 2005 meeting could be reviewed. Wrede will post the outstanding action items to the listserv.