NCIP Implementers Group Conference Call
Feb. 2, 2006
Marketing Update
LITA Proposal
Wanner, Koppel, and Bailey-Hainer outlined the program proposal related to NCIP that was submitted to LITA, "Are There No Limits to What NCIP Can Do?" E-Commerce, Self-Service, Bindery, ILL, Statistics – New Applications for the NCIP Protocol.” Some suggested topics and tentative presenters: E-commerece – Rob Walsh, EnvisionWare and customer; bindery interaction – Gail Wanner, SirsiDynix and customer; Statistics collection – NetLibrary and customer; E-book control – Russ fuller, OverDrive and customer; and ILL and circulation integrated interaction – John Bodfish or Ed Davidson, Fretwell-Downing and customer. Suggestion was made that vendors not be on the podium giving the presentations and to let the customers do the presentations, but vendors would be available for questions in the audience. Another suggestion was to not be as technical as last year. Ted submitted the proposal to LITA and indicated that we should hear something about acceptance around Feb. 15.
Bailey-Hainer indicated that the State Library as Maintenance Agency has been working on revising the NCIP website. Some minor revisions and new postings will be released on Feb. 6. They have hired a contractor to do a major overhaul, and hope to unveil the new website at the March Boston meeting.
ALA Mid-winter News
Bailey-Hainer did an NCIP update at the NISO Standards Round-up on Sunday at ALA. Just provided brief overview of current implementations to stress that the standard is now in the implementation stage.
Wanner mentioned that at the ALA RUSA STARS meeting there was discussion about the Rethinking Resource Sharing initiative and that the group is sponsoring a program at ALA 2006 Summer. Standards will be a major part of the presentations. Panelists include Mary Hollerich (NLM), Brenda Bailey-Hainer (Colorado State Library), and John Bodfish (Fretwell-Downing). Responders are: Dennis Massey (RLG), Matt Goldner (OCLC), and Carol Smales (Library and Archives Canada). Gail Wanner also offered to be a responder.
Koppel talked about the study Roy Tennant conducted on the standards development process, and suggested that everyone should read it and plan to discuss it at the March meeting in Boston in the context of the NCIP experience, and especially in relation to the post-adoption phase of standards.
Action Item: An hour should be allocated at the March Boston meeting for discussion of the Tennant study on the standards development process. Everyone should read the document prior to the meeting. Bailey-Hainer will send information on the document out to the listserv.
Bodfish went to a joint LAMA and RUSA STARS meeting on remote circulation. This group was determining whether or not to establish a joint committee that will work on issues related to cooperative circulation activity, remote storage facilities, etc. The focus isn't on standards, but rather on policies, but they are sensitive to the impact of standards and what they need the standards to do. Standards of interest might be Z39.50, ISO ILL, NCIP, etc. The outcome of the meeting appeared to be a decision to draft a proposal. Bailey-Hainer suggested that the ASCLA ICAN networking group should also be involved.
Action Item: Bodfish will send names of people involved to Bailey-Hainer so she can find out more.
Bodfish reported on an informal group that met to discuss concerns about ISO ILL version 3. There is an upcoming international standards meeting in Thailand in early February. It appears that there is a movement among ISO decisionmakers to determine the procedures for withdrawing it. Pat Stevens from NISO will be attending, and she has indicated she is also concerned about ISO ILL version 3 adoption since it appears that most vendors would not implement it. The next step would be for an IPIG member to call a meeting to address some imperfections in version 2. These could be done as technical amendments. Stewart reported that Clare MacKeigan had talked with Library and Archives Canada and Carol Smales had indicated that they had allocated funding for a position for next FY.
Action Item: Bodfish will write up his notes from the meeting.
RoadMap to NCIP
Bodfish posted information to the listserv and 12/14 and 12/15, and Dill on 12/05. No discussion followed the postings. Still waiting on Boland’s section.
Action Item: Bodfish will rework the Roadmap based on what's been submitted already and resubmit to the list by Feb. 10. Boland will complete his section and post for discussion by February 28.
Boston Meeting
Koppel will need a headcount on expected attendance at the meeting in March in Boston to determine whether the group will fit in the ExLibris meeting room or a meeting room at the hotel is needed.
Action Item: Bailey-Hainer will send a query about attendance to the listserv at least two weeks prior to the meeting to get a head count.
Outstanding items from Oct 05 meeting
Follow up to NCIP use by SF Solutions Bindery
Wanner did not have a report yet.
Action Item: Wanner will have a report ready for the March phone call. will have something tore
Clarification about Medium Types as an example for Open Enumeration
O’Brien did not attend the phone call, so no report available.
Proposal for adding a value of “Expired” to authenticate user processing error scheme
Bodfish had nothing ready to share at this time.
Revision of Implementation Protocol to reflect schema changes
O’Brien did not attend the phone call and Wrede was sick, so no report available.
Proposal on the Registering and Maintaining schemes for NCIP – Bodfish
Bodfish indicated that the proposal on “expired” (see above) is related to this. He will post a proposal, then work on “expired” issue.
Action Item: Bodfish will send out a proposal by Feb 10, then post something on “expired.” Plan for discussion of this item at the March phone call.
Follow up to Listserv items
Inquiry on Item and Bibliographic Items – Polaczyk on 1/26
Bodfish had responded to questions, and will respond to the follow-up question. Wanner felt there were no live implementations of DCB2 and may be need to harmonize. Bodfish will likely include this point in his reply.
Action Item: Bodfish will respond to Polaczyk on the listserv.
Discussion on Medium Types – Grey on 12/14
Grey elaborated on his question. Medium types that are available don't include DVDs, etc. He has created a workaround by using another medium type, but it causes problems from a check-out point of view because system wouldn't handle security properly because it was magnetic media. Wanner said this type of thing is also an issue for SirsiDynix. Bailey-Hainer reviewed the decisions from the Oct. 2005 meeting related to medium types. This discussion may be a potential item for March in-person meeting. Grey will not be attending and may have to pass this off to Zemon to discuss in Boston. Group determined that all major vendors supporting 3M self-check will have this problem. Grey was asked for more detail. will post something in more detail.
Action Item: Grey will post more detailed description of his medium type problem.
Time ran out before the Oct meeting to do list could be reviewed.
Action Item: Wrede and Bailey-Hainer will post reminders about the Oct meeting task list to the listserv.
Next Conference Call
The next phone call was scheduled for Friday, March 3, 9 – 10 am MST. THIS IS ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN USUAL. Walsh will arrange for EvisionWare to host the call. Part of the call will be used to finalize the Boston meeting agenda. A brief flurry of discussion about the agenda ensued.
Action Item: Add half hour to meeting agenda to discuss how the NCIP-IG publicize what profiles are actively being worked on, both on the website and through other methods.
- Auto-Graphics - Eric Jung
- Colorado State Library – Brenda Bailey-Hainer, Stephen Gregory
- EnvisionWare, Inc. – Rob Walsh
- ExLibris – Ted Koppel
- Fretwell-Downing - John Bodfish
- Innovative Interfaces – Jason Boland
- OverDrive – Russ Fuller
- Polaris – Rob Grey
- Relais – Kevin Stewart
- SirsiDynix – Gail Wanner
- VTLS – Scott Mayberry
Marketing Update
LITA Proposal
Wanner, Koppel, and Bailey-Hainer outlined the program proposal related to NCIP that was submitted to LITA, "Are There No Limits to What NCIP Can Do?" E-Commerce, Self-Service, Bindery, ILL, Statistics – New Applications for the NCIP Protocol.” Some suggested topics and tentative presenters: E-commerece – Rob Walsh, EnvisionWare and customer; bindery interaction – Gail Wanner, SirsiDynix and customer; Statistics collection – NetLibrary and customer; E-book control – Russ fuller, OverDrive and customer; and ILL and circulation integrated interaction – John Bodfish or Ed Davidson, Fretwell-Downing and customer. Suggestion was made that vendors not be on the podium giving the presentations and to let the customers do the presentations, but vendors would be available for questions in the audience. Another suggestion was to not be as technical as last year. Ted submitted the proposal to LITA and indicated that we should hear something about acceptance around Feb. 15.
Bailey-Hainer indicated that the State Library as Maintenance Agency has been working on revising the NCIP website. Some minor revisions and new postings will be released on Feb. 6. They have hired a contractor to do a major overhaul, and hope to unveil the new website at the March Boston meeting.
ALA Mid-winter News
Bailey-Hainer did an NCIP update at the NISO Standards Round-up on Sunday at ALA. Just provided brief overview of current implementations to stress that the standard is now in the implementation stage.
Wanner mentioned that at the ALA RUSA STARS meeting there was discussion about the Rethinking Resource Sharing initiative and that the group is sponsoring a program at ALA 2006 Summer. Standards will be a major part of the presentations. Panelists include Mary Hollerich (NLM), Brenda Bailey-Hainer (Colorado State Library), and John Bodfish (Fretwell-Downing). Responders are: Dennis Massey (RLG), Matt Goldner (OCLC), and Carol Smales (Library and Archives Canada). Gail Wanner also offered to be a responder.
Koppel talked about the study Roy Tennant conducted on the standards development process, and suggested that everyone should read it and plan to discuss it at the March meeting in Boston in the context of the NCIP experience, and especially in relation to the post-adoption phase of standards.
Action Item: An hour should be allocated at the March Boston meeting for discussion of the Tennant study on the standards development process. Everyone should read the document prior to the meeting. Bailey-Hainer will send information on the document out to the listserv.
Bodfish went to a joint LAMA and RUSA STARS meeting on remote circulation. This group was determining whether or not to establish a joint committee that will work on issues related to cooperative circulation activity, remote storage facilities, etc. The focus isn't on standards, but rather on policies, but they are sensitive to the impact of standards and what they need the standards to do. Standards of interest might be Z39.50, ISO ILL, NCIP, etc. The outcome of the meeting appeared to be a decision to draft a proposal. Bailey-Hainer suggested that the ASCLA ICAN networking group should also be involved.
Action Item: Bodfish will send names of people involved to Bailey-Hainer so she can find out more.
Bodfish reported on an informal group that met to discuss concerns about ISO ILL version 3. There is an upcoming international standards meeting in Thailand in early February. It appears that there is a movement among ISO decisionmakers to determine the procedures for withdrawing it. Pat Stevens from NISO will be attending, and she has indicated she is also concerned about ISO ILL version 3 adoption since it appears that most vendors would not implement it. The next step would be for an IPIG member to call a meeting to address some imperfections in version 2. These could be done as technical amendments. Stewart reported that Clare MacKeigan had talked with Library and Archives Canada and Carol Smales had indicated that they had allocated funding for a position for next FY.
Action Item: Bodfish will write up his notes from the meeting.
RoadMap to NCIP
Bodfish posted information to the listserv and 12/14 and 12/15, and Dill on 12/05. No discussion followed the postings. Still waiting on Boland’s section.
Action Item: Bodfish will rework the Roadmap based on what's been submitted already and resubmit to the list by Feb. 10. Boland will complete his section and post for discussion by February 28.
Boston Meeting
Koppel will need a headcount on expected attendance at the meeting in March in Boston to determine whether the group will fit in the ExLibris meeting room or a meeting room at the hotel is needed.
Action Item: Bailey-Hainer will send a query about attendance to the listserv at least two weeks prior to the meeting to get a head count.
Outstanding items from Oct 05 meeting
Follow up to NCIP use by SF Solutions Bindery
Wanner did not have a report yet.
Action Item: Wanner will have a report ready for the March phone call. will have something tore
Clarification about Medium Types as an example for Open Enumeration
O’Brien did not attend the phone call, so no report available.
Proposal for adding a value of “Expired” to authenticate user processing error scheme
Bodfish had nothing ready to share at this time.
Revision of Implementation Protocol to reflect schema changes
O’Brien did not attend the phone call and Wrede was sick, so no report available.
Proposal on the Registering and Maintaining schemes for NCIP – Bodfish
Bodfish indicated that the proposal on “expired” (see above) is related to this. He will post a proposal, then work on “expired” issue.
Action Item: Bodfish will send out a proposal by Feb 10, then post something on “expired.” Plan for discussion of this item at the March phone call.
Follow up to Listserv items
Inquiry on Item and Bibliographic Items – Polaczyk on 1/26
Bodfish had responded to questions, and will respond to the follow-up question. Wanner felt there were no live implementations of DCB2 and may be need to harmonize. Bodfish will likely include this point in his reply.
Action Item: Bodfish will respond to Polaczyk on the listserv.
Discussion on Medium Types – Grey on 12/14
Grey elaborated on his question. Medium types that are available don't include DVDs, etc. He has created a workaround by using another medium type, but it causes problems from a check-out point of view because system wouldn't handle security properly because it was magnetic media. Wanner said this type of thing is also an issue for SirsiDynix. Bailey-Hainer reviewed the decisions from the Oct. 2005 meeting related to medium types. This discussion may be a potential item for March in-person meeting. Grey will not be attending and may have to pass this off to Zemon to discuss in Boston. Group determined that all major vendors supporting 3M self-check will have this problem. Grey was asked for more detail. will post something in more detail.
Action Item: Grey will post more detailed description of his medium type problem.
Time ran out before the Oct meeting to do list could be reviewed.
Action Item: Wrede and Bailey-Hainer will post reminders about the Oct meeting task list to the listserv.
Next Conference Call
The next phone call was scheduled for Friday, March 3, 9 – 10 am MST. THIS IS ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN USUAL. Walsh will arrange for EvisionWare to host the call. Part of the call will be used to finalize the Boston meeting agenda. A brief flurry of discussion about the agenda ensued.
Action Item: Add half hour to meeting agenda to discuss how the NCIP-IG publicize what profiles are actively being worked on, both on the website and through other methods.