NCIP Implementers Group Conference Call
May 4, 2006
Update on Version 2 proposal and procedures
Bailey-Hainer reported on her discussion with Pat Stevens, Interim Executive Director of NISO, about the official NISO process for moving forward with NCIP Version 2. The Software Development Committee (SDC) reviews requests to begin working on new versions. Bailey-Hainer will write a brief proposal outlining why Version 2 is needed, what the proposed steps are, and include a proposed budget. The proposed budget will include a request for an editor and some travel money to support participation by members of the library community. The SDC meets monthly, and will review it at the next meeting following the proposal submission.
Bailey-Hainer also reported that Pat Stevens recommended that the NCIP-IG send out a call for interested parties to submit Use Cases for discussion during the Version 2 development process. These Use Cases should look at current uses of NCIP as well as any proposed future uses. Any requests for additional functionality or defect corrections should also be couched in terms of Use Cases.
A list of potential communities that should receive the call for Use Cases are: NCIP listserv, IFLA resource sharing section, NISO web services group, IPIG listserv, RUSA STARS, Rethinking Resource Sharing initiative, ICOLC, NISO membership, Open URL group, and SRU group. Information should also be sent directly to Janifer Gatenby as a courtesy.
Update on Sept 2006 NCIP IG meeting and NISO workshop
Bailey-Hainer reported that TLC declined to sponsor the fall NCIP-IG meeting. The meeting is scheduled for Sept. 25-27 in Denver. NISO is planning to hold a workshop called "Managing Electronic Collections" in Denver on Sept. 27-29. Maryann Karinch (NISO contractor) is working on arrangements for the workshop, and has offered to make the arrangements for the NCIP-IG meeting as well. There may be some overlap in attendees interested in attending both meetings.
Update on NCIP website redesign
Wrede was not able to attend the conference call today. Bailey-Hainer reported that some significant changes to the proposed website design have been made based on the suggestions made at the March NCIP-IG meeting in Boston. Wrede will be sending out a URL for the redesign to the group for review.
Report from the Circulation Policy Exchange Group
Bodifsh reported on the activities of the CPE group. The group met on the morning following the NCIP-IG in March in Boston. They agreed to work on a quick and dirty NCIPish message to query potential lenders about whether an item would be loaned and if so, under what terms. The first step is for O'Brien to create a schema. Once that schema has been created, Bodfish will be doing some design work. O'Brien was not on the call, so Bodfish will follow-up with him to determine progress, and disseminate any relevant info to the CPE group.
Update on LITA Forum presentation
Koppel reviewed the list of potential topics to be presented at the LITA Forum related to NCIP. There will be 3 presentations: Polaris/Overdrive customer on e-books; SirsiDynix customer on bindery; and Fretwell-Downing will identify a customer who is involved with the CIRC/ILL application (may be a beta site). Koppel will monitor deadlines and let participants know when names of confirmed presenters are due, as well as any presentation materials.
Status of vendor reports and associated tools
Bailey-Hainer reported that Wrede has not yet received implementation status reports from all NCIP-IG members. Bodfish reported that there has been discussion on the Web4Live listserv about whether NCIP is really being implemented or not. He will forward the aggregated report to the listserv once it has been compiled. NCIP-IG members were reminded to send in their reports – this is important for PR purposes. Bailey-Hainer reported that Bodfish is the only person who has submitted any associated tools for posting.
NCIP Roadmap, final revisions
Bodfish will be submitting this.
Proposal for registry for schemes- incorporating the current information and the proposals to add DVD as a supported medium type
Bodfish will be submitting this.
Revision of RFP guide text regarding DCB and CIRC/ILL Application Profiles
Koppel reported that he contacted Cynthia Hodgson, who has been doing contract work for NISO. She has not yet begun on the revision of the RFP guide because she is awaiting approval from Pat Stevens to do so. In the interim, Koppel will review the last version submitted by NCIP-IG to ensure that it is still accurate and appropriate.
Creation of SIP to NCIP Crosswalk
Walsh reported that progress has been made. Boettcher had sent out a draft document for discussion, and has received some suggestions.
Sponsorship of scheduled phone calls
The next conference call is scheduled for Thursday, June 1 at 10:00 am PDT. Bodfish will investigate whether Fretwell-Downing can sponsor the call.
- Colorado State Library – Brenda Bailey-Hainer and Steve Gregory
- Endeavor Information Systems – Jens Dill
- EnvisionWare – Rob Walsh
- ExLibris – Ted Koppel
- Fretwell-Downing – John Bodfish
- Innovative Interfaces – Jason Boland
- Overdrive – Russ Fuller
- Polaris Library Systems – Candy Zemon
- SirsiDynix – Gail Wanner and Brent Jensen
Update on Version 2 proposal and procedures
Bailey-Hainer reported on her discussion with Pat Stevens, Interim Executive Director of NISO, about the official NISO process for moving forward with NCIP Version 2. The Software Development Committee (SDC) reviews requests to begin working on new versions. Bailey-Hainer will write a brief proposal outlining why Version 2 is needed, what the proposed steps are, and include a proposed budget. The proposed budget will include a request for an editor and some travel money to support participation by members of the library community. The SDC meets monthly, and will review it at the next meeting following the proposal submission.
Bailey-Hainer also reported that Pat Stevens recommended that the NCIP-IG send out a call for interested parties to submit Use Cases for discussion during the Version 2 development process. These Use Cases should look at current uses of NCIP as well as any proposed future uses. Any requests for additional functionality or defect corrections should also be couched in terms of Use Cases.
A list of potential communities that should receive the call for Use Cases are: NCIP listserv, IFLA resource sharing section, NISO web services group, IPIG listserv, RUSA STARS, Rethinking Resource Sharing initiative, ICOLC, NISO membership, Open URL group, and SRU group. Information should also be sent directly to Janifer Gatenby as a courtesy.
Update on Sept 2006 NCIP IG meeting and NISO workshop
Bailey-Hainer reported that TLC declined to sponsor the fall NCIP-IG meeting. The meeting is scheduled for Sept. 25-27 in Denver. NISO is planning to hold a workshop called "Managing Electronic Collections" in Denver on Sept. 27-29. Maryann Karinch (NISO contractor) is working on arrangements for the workshop, and has offered to make the arrangements for the NCIP-IG meeting as well. There may be some overlap in attendees interested in attending both meetings.
Update on NCIP website redesign
Wrede was not able to attend the conference call today. Bailey-Hainer reported that some significant changes to the proposed website design have been made based on the suggestions made at the March NCIP-IG meeting in Boston. Wrede will be sending out a URL for the redesign to the group for review.
Report from the Circulation Policy Exchange Group
Bodifsh reported on the activities of the CPE group. The group met on the morning following the NCIP-IG in March in Boston. They agreed to work on a quick and dirty NCIPish message to query potential lenders about whether an item would be loaned and if so, under what terms. The first step is for O'Brien to create a schema. Once that schema has been created, Bodfish will be doing some design work. O'Brien was not on the call, so Bodfish will follow-up with him to determine progress, and disseminate any relevant info to the CPE group.
Update on LITA Forum presentation
Koppel reviewed the list of potential topics to be presented at the LITA Forum related to NCIP. There will be 3 presentations: Polaris/Overdrive customer on e-books; SirsiDynix customer on bindery; and Fretwell-Downing will identify a customer who is involved with the CIRC/ILL application (may be a beta site). Koppel will monitor deadlines and let participants know when names of confirmed presenters are due, as well as any presentation materials.
Status of vendor reports and associated tools
Bailey-Hainer reported that Wrede has not yet received implementation status reports from all NCIP-IG members. Bodfish reported that there has been discussion on the Web4Live listserv about whether NCIP is really being implemented or not. He will forward the aggregated report to the listserv once it has been compiled. NCIP-IG members were reminded to send in their reports – this is important for PR purposes. Bailey-Hainer reported that Bodfish is the only person who has submitted any associated tools for posting.
NCIP Roadmap, final revisions
Bodfish will be submitting this.
Proposal for registry for schemes- incorporating the current information and the proposals to add DVD as a supported medium type
Bodfish will be submitting this.
Revision of RFP guide text regarding DCB and CIRC/ILL Application Profiles
Koppel reported that he contacted Cynthia Hodgson, who has been doing contract work for NISO. She has not yet begun on the revision of the RFP guide because she is awaiting approval from Pat Stevens to do so. In the interim, Koppel will review the last version submitted by NCIP-IG to ensure that it is still accurate and appropriate.
Creation of SIP to NCIP Crosswalk
Walsh reported that progress has been made. Boettcher had sent out a draft document for discussion, and has received some suggestions.
Sponsorship of scheduled phone calls
The next conference call is scheduled for Thursday, June 1 at 10:00 am PDT. Bodfish will investigate whether Fretwell-Downing can sponsor the call.