NCIP Implementers Group Conference Call
Sep. 8, 2006
The call was sponsored by Polaris Library Systems
Lynne Branche Brown is replacing Jason Boland as the representative from Innovative Interfaces.
She will be attending the Sept meeting.
Mary E. Jackson has replaced Eric Jung as the representative from Auto-Graphics. She will be attending the Sept meeting.
Logistics and agenda for the Sept 25-27 meeting were the prime focus of the call. The group reviewed the tentative agenda as distributed by Zemon on Sept 5. After discussion the following decisions and action items were agreed upon:
- Colorado State Library –Steve Gregory, and Steve Wrede
- ExLibris Inc - Ted Koppel
- Innovative Interfaces Inc –Lynne Branche Brown and Jason Boland
- Polaris Library Systems – Candy Zemon (Chair)
- OCLC Inc – Tony O’Brien
- Realis International, Inc – Kevin Stewart
- SirsiDynix –Gail Wanner and Brent Jensen
The call was sponsored by Polaris Library Systems
Lynne Branche Brown is replacing Jason Boland as the representative from Innovative Interfaces.
She will be attending the Sept meeting.
Mary E. Jackson has replaced Eric Jung as the representative from Auto-Graphics. She will be attending the Sept meeting.
Logistics and agenda for the Sept 25-27 meeting were the prime focus of the call. The group reviewed the tentative agenda as distributed by Zemon on Sept 5. After discussion the following decisions and action items were agreed upon:
- The time for implementation updates on Monday, Sept 25 will be expanded.
- A review of the current action item list will be included in the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept 26.
- The basic structure outline of the tentative schedule will be retained with the discussion of resource sharing and related standards reserved for Wednesday morning, September 27.
- The Circulation Policy Exchange subgroup will have a brief meeting the afternoon of Wednesday, Sept 27.
- Zemon will redistribute the list of eight major points for the streamlining of NCIP, looking for volunteers with interest in specific topics.
- Wrede will redistribute the current list of action items to the listserv.
- Koppel will investigate the ISO TC46 SC4 WG10 holdings schema and provide any identified background material before or at the Sept meeting.
- Wrede will wrap up remaining details with NISO and the Magnolia Hotel regarding the meeting room including equipment, head count, billing to attendees to cover hotel fees, and internet access. Details will be distributed via listserv and posted to NCIP site.
- Zemon will distribute a message to listserv to determine the head count for the dinner Monday night, Sept 25.
- Zemon will redraft and distribute the meeting agenda.
- Any members with printed materials to be distributed at the Sept 25-27, should send them to Wrede by mid-day Friday, Sept 22 and he will copy and bring to the Magnolia.