NCIP Conference Call Minutes
Sep. 24, 2007
1 Call Participants
2 Agenda
2.1 Discuss which topics need drafts to review by October 29 call
Walsh (filling in for Zemon as the moderator for the call) asked the group what items need to have drafts or proposals prepared by the October 29 call so that people have an opportunity to review prior to the November meeting. He indicated Wanner had submitted a draft for the Delete Item service during the week of 17 September.
Jensen added that he was working on an improved error messaging proposal, and he anticipated getting it ready to post prior to the October call. Bod- fish indicated that we need to have a first pass at integrating the <any> tag throughout the scheme, and he thinks O’Brien is working on that. Bodifsh also recalled that Wanner is working on a replacement or variation on the current approach to Application Profiles.
Walsh asked if anyone knew of any additional progress on the proposal to clarify the use of Unique vs. Visible Id. Bodfish indicated that Dill was still working on this.
Bodfish added that he was charged with creating an XSLT stylesheet to imple- ment XSLT compression as proposed by Wilson prior to the August call.
Boettcher asked if Walsh could summarize these items in an updated Action Items list on the NCIP website, and Walsh agreed to do that by Wednesday, 26 September. [Editor’s note: The Action Item list has been updated to include the above items as well as the other items remaining from the June meeting in Washington, D.C.]
2.2 Upcoming Nag Calls
Walsh reminded the group about the call scheduled for October 29. The goal for the October call is to briefly review the various drafts and proposals so that everyone has an opportunity to review and digest the topics prior to the November meeting. The October call is planned for 3pm Eastern / 2pm Central / 1pm Mountain / 12pm Pacific. Access information will be published on the NCIP website.
- 3M - Sue Boettcher
- EnvisionWare - Rob Walsh
- ExLibris (USA) - Mike Dicus
- Innovative Interfaces - Lynne Branche Brown
- OCLC PICA - John Bodfish
- Relais International - Kevin Stewart
- SirsiDynix - Brent Jensen, Jeffie Stones
2 Agenda
2.1 Discuss which topics need drafts to review by October 29 call
Walsh (filling in for Zemon as the moderator for the call) asked the group what items need to have drafts or proposals prepared by the October 29 call so that people have an opportunity to review prior to the November meeting. He indicated Wanner had submitted a draft for the Delete Item service during the week of 17 September.
Jensen added that he was working on an improved error messaging proposal, and he anticipated getting it ready to post prior to the October call. Bod- fish indicated that we need to have a first pass at integrating the <any> tag throughout the scheme, and he thinks O’Brien is working on that. Bodifsh also recalled that Wanner is working on a replacement or variation on the current approach to Application Profiles.
Walsh asked if anyone knew of any additional progress on the proposal to clarify the use of Unique vs. Visible Id. Bodfish indicated that Dill was still working on this.
Bodfish added that he was charged with creating an XSLT stylesheet to imple- ment XSLT compression as proposed by Wilson prior to the August call.
Boettcher asked if Walsh could summarize these items in an updated Action Items list on the NCIP website, and Walsh agreed to do that by Wednesday, 26 September. [Editor’s note: The Action Item list has been updated to include the above items as well as the other items remaining from the June meeting in Washington, D.C.]
2.2 Upcoming Nag Calls
Walsh reminded the group about the call scheduled for October 29. The goal for the October call is to briefly review the various drafts and proposals so that everyone has an opportunity to review and digest the topics prior to the November meeting. The October call is planned for 3pm Eastern / 2pm Central / 1pm Mountain / 12pm Pacific. Access information will be published on the NCIP website.