NCIP Conference Call Minutes
Mar. 3, 2008
1 Call Participants
2 Agenda
2.1 Spring Meeting Logistics
Zemon reported that Boettcher had posted the hotel information for the spring meeting. (Note: This information is available at the NCIP website as well.) Walsh indicated that he was able to make a reservation against the block of rooms. However, there was slight confusion over what kind of block had been arranged. The hotel said they would clarify with their contact at 3M. Zemon said she would post a request to the NCIP list for a head count of those planning to attend.
2.2 Spring Meeting Agenda
Those on the call indicated that the spring meeting agenda should include the topics Jensen posted to the list on 1 March. These include proper agency identification, security, transaction location, namespaces, item set information, and item information specific to journals. In addition, the subject of open enumerations needs to be revisited and clairifed, and the mapping of NCIP elements to SIP elements needs to be reviewed. Walsh asked whether those on the call would prefer to have hard copy documents available at the meeting. Brown indicated that those who prefer a hard copy could bring their own, and Wanner said she felt we could work effectively with a laptop and projector.
2.3 Clarifying Expectations with NISO
Zemon indicated that she has been trying to clarify with NISO their expectations for the outcome of the spring meeting. She has not yet received a response, but she agreed to follow up with Karen Wetzel, Todd Carpenter, and Mike Teets. She wants to avoid a situation where we think we have finished, yet NISO needs more before the revision can be balloted. Wanner specifically wants to know whether the expectations include test sites or reference implementations since those would require time and effort from NCIP vendors.
2.4 Fitting DCB-3 Profile into New Application Profile Format
Wanner reported that she hopes to finish converting the DCB-3 profile into the new Application Profile format that is planned for version 2. She is unsure, however, when this work might be completed.
3 Adjournment
Zemon adjourned the call. The next meeting will be 1-3 April in Minneapolis.
- Auto-Graphics - Mary Jackson
- EnvisionWare - Rob Walsh
- Innovative Interfaces - Lynne Branche Brown
- Polaris - Candy Zemon
- Relais International - Kevin Stewart
- SirsiDynix - Brent Jensen, Gail Wanner
2 Agenda
2.1 Spring Meeting Logistics
Zemon reported that Boettcher had posted the hotel information for the spring meeting. (Note: This information is available at the NCIP website as well.) Walsh indicated that he was able to make a reservation against the block of rooms. However, there was slight confusion over what kind of block had been arranged. The hotel said they would clarify with their contact at 3M. Zemon said she would post a request to the NCIP list for a head count of those planning to attend.
2.2 Spring Meeting Agenda
Those on the call indicated that the spring meeting agenda should include the topics Jensen posted to the list on 1 March. These include proper agency identification, security, transaction location, namespaces, item set information, and item information specific to journals. In addition, the subject of open enumerations needs to be revisited and clairifed, and the mapping of NCIP elements to SIP elements needs to be reviewed. Walsh asked whether those on the call would prefer to have hard copy documents available at the meeting. Brown indicated that those who prefer a hard copy could bring their own, and Wanner said she felt we could work effectively with a laptop and projector.
2.3 Clarifying Expectations with NISO
Zemon indicated that she has been trying to clarify with NISO their expectations for the outcome of the spring meeting. She has not yet received a response, but she agreed to follow up with Karen Wetzel, Todd Carpenter, and Mike Teets. She wants to avoid a situation where we think we have finished, yet NISO needs more before the revision can be balloted. Wanner specifically wants to know whether the expectations include test sites or reference implementations since those would require time and effort from NCIP vendors.
2.4 Fitting DCB-3 Profile into New Application Profile Format
Wanner reported that she hopes to finish converting the DCB-3 profile into the new Application Profile format that is planned for version 2. She is unsure, however, when this work might be completed.
3 Adjournment
Zemon adjourned the call. The next meeting will be 1-3 April in Minneapolis.