August 19, 2010
NCIP Conference Call
August 19, 2010
Present on the call
Mary Jackson - Auto-Graphics
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Eric Leckbee - Innovative Interfaces
Karen Wetzel - NISO
John Bodfish - OCLC
John Barr - Polaris
Dhaval Kotecha - RapidRadio
Kevin Stewart - Relais International (muted)
Gail Wanner (Chair) - SirsiDynix
DJ Miller, Thalia Dickson - The Library Corporation
Randy Cook - The University of Rochester; the eXtensible Catalog Project
Implementer and Standards Updates
Leckbee reported that Innovative Interfaces is actively coding and moving forward with Relais
and PALCI.
Bodfish reported that OCLC is planning to donate NCIP Version 2 code to the eXtensible
Catalog (XC) project. The code is written in Java and released under the MIT license (which
means it may be used in commercial projects without attribution). The goal of this effort is to
spark NCIP implementation across the industry by providing prospective implementers with a
head start. Those wanting more information should contact Randy Cook at the University of
Rochester and part of the XC project or Karen Coombs at OCLC.
NCIP Revision Update
Walsh reported that good progress has been made on the revisions approved at the April 2010
meeting. However, he does not have the updated schema, so two of the approved revisions
cannot yet be made. He indicated that the parts of Section 5 in Part 1 of the Standard that
describe responses which allow for a problem element or some other required element
combined with one or more optional elements remain confusing, and we intends to raise this
issue for further discussion at the September meeting. The group also needs to discuss the
process it will use to review the revised documents after each in person meeting to ensure that
all of the approved changes are correctly implemented. For this set of changes, he hopes the
group will divide the Standard into several sections and designate small groups to review each
NCIP Forum Update
Barr reported that the NCIP Forum ( is available for use. He indicated
that he sees no need for NISO to provide any financial resources to fund this effort. He sees it
as something sponsored by the Implementers Group, and Polaris is willing, at least for the
present time, to subsidize the cost (which is an insignificant amount).The group discussed ways to publicize the forum to the community. It was suggested that a link
could be added to the NCIP website, that NCIP-IG members could promote it in their own user
groups or forums, it could be announced in NISOʼs Newsline, and it could be published on the
LITA-L list. Barr indicated that he will remove the moderator approval requirement so that
anyone can register and begin using the site. He sees the forum as becoming a sort of NCIP
User Group where those implementing NCIP in real environments (as opposed to vendors
dealing with technical and coding issues) can discuss issues and situations that arise (like
security). Kotecha suggested that the forum could serve as a collaborative document
repository. Wetzel cautioned, though, that we should be mindful of the proliferation of
“authoritative” documents, and we might prefer that they be managed in a single location like
the NISO website. She suggested that links to those documents could be provided in the forum.
The group agreed to add an item to the September agenda to review the forum and to discuss
how the forum should be used and how it should be promoted.
Implementer Registry
Jackson reported that Wanner, Campbell, and she had been testing the NCIP Implementer
Registry ( and making additional minor enhancements. They
are very close to finishing their work. She would like to add an item to the agenda for the
September meeting to discuss ways to ensure the Implementer Registry is used and does not
Planning for the September Meeting
Wanner asked for a head count of those planning to attend the September meeting. That list
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Eric Leckbee - Innovative Interfaces
John Bodfish and Tony OʼBrien - OCLC
Robert Gray - Polaris
Kevin Stewart - Relais International
Gail Wanner - SirsiDynix
DJ Miller - TLC
[Editorʼs Note: Collette Mak is also planning to attend the September meeting. To date, the only
NCIP-IG members who have not yet indicated whether they plan to have a representative in
attendance at the meeting are 3M and VTLS.]
Dhaval Kotecha would like to participate by phone in the discussion about the NCIP Forum.
Further, Wanner indicated that Bob Daugherty of the Univerity of Illinois at Chicago might also
want to participate by phone for portions of the meeting. Daugherty participated in the early
stages of NCIPʼs development.
Most of those attending indicated they will be staying at the Hyatt Rosemont. Dicus said a
shuttle is available to the hotel from OʼHare International Airport, but we may need to arrange for
a taxi to take us to the Ex Libris offices each day.Action Items
Wanner reminded the group to check the action items posted at the NISO website (http://
Documentation Projects
Wanner reviewed the list of documentation projects.
* Getting Started with NCIP / NCIP for Dummies : targeted at programmers interested in
implementing NCIP. Volunteers are needed to work on this project.
* RFP Guidelines : Jackson will have a draft ready to review at the September meeting.
* Core Messages Explained : targeted at librarians interested in using NCIP to accomplish
various tasks within the library. Wanner is currently working on a draft.
*Is NCIP Restful? : Stewart prepared a draft that might be considered finished.
* Statement regarding versions : Walsh prepared a draft that might be considered finished.
The group needs to review the last two items to determine where and how to incoporate into the
Standard as part of the upcoming revision. Also, these two documents should be posted in the
NCIP workroom at the NISO website so all can review.
Next Call
Wanner reported that the next call is scheduled for September 16, 2010, at 1 pm Eastern.
August 19, 2010
Present on the call
Mary Jackson - Auto-Graphics
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Eric Leckbee - Innovative Interfaces
Karen Wetzel - NISO
John Bodfish - OCLC
John Barr - Polaris
Dhaval Kotecha - RapidRadio
Kevin Stewart - Relais International (muted)
Gail Wanner (Chair) - SirsiDynix
DJ Miller, Thalia Dickson - The Library Corporation
Randy Cook - The University of Rochester; the eXtensible Catalog Project
Implementer and Standards Updates
Leckbee reported that Innovative Interfaces is actively coding and moving forward with Relais
and PALCI.
Bodfish reported that OCLC is planning to donate NCIP Version 2 code to the eXtensible
Catalog (XC) project. The code is written in Java and released under the MIT license (which
means it may be used in commercial projects without attribution). The goal of this effort is to
spark NCIP implementation across the industry by providing prospective implementers with a
head start. Those wanting more information should contact Randy Cook at the University of
Rochester and part of the XC project or Karen Coombs at OCLC.
NCIP Revision Update
Walsh reported that good progress has been made on the revisions approved at the April 2010
meeting. However, he does not have the updated schema, so two of the approved revisions
cannot yet be made. He indicated that the parts of Section 5 in Part 1 of the Standard that
describe responses which allow for a problem element or some other required element
combined with one or more optional elements remain confusing, and we intends to raise this
issue for further discussion at the September meeting. The group also needs to discuss the
process it will use to review the revised documents after each in person meeting to ensure that
all of the approved changes are correctly implemented. For this set of changes, he hopes the
group will divide the Standard into several sections and designate small groups to review each
NCIP Forum Update
Barr reported that the NCIP Forum ( is available for use. He indicated
that he sees no need for NISO to provide any financial resources to fund this effort. He sees it
as something sponsored by the Implementers Group, and Polaris is willing, at least for the
present time, to subsidize the cost (which is an insignificant amount).The group discussed ways to publicize the forum to the community. It was suggested that a link
could be added to the NCIP website, that NCIP-IG members could promote it in their own user
groups or forums, it could be announced in NISOʼs Newsline, and it could be published on the
LITA-L list. Barr indicated that he will remove the moderator approval requirement so that
anyone can register and begin using the site. He sees the forum as becoming a sort of NCIP
User Group where those implementing NCIP in real environments (as opposed to vendors
dealing with technical and coding issues) can discuss issues and situations that arise (like
security). Kotecha suggested that the forum could serve as a collaborative document
repository. Wetzel cautioned, though, that we should be mindful of the proliferation of
“authoritative” documents, and we might prefer that they be managed in a single location like
the NISO website. She suggested that links to those documents could be provided in the forum.
The group agreed to add an item to the September agenda to review the forum and to discuss
how the forum should be used and how it should be promoted.
Implementer Registry
Jackson reported that Wanner, Campbell, and she had been testing the NCIP Implementer
Registry ( and making additional minor enhancements. They
are very close to finishing their work. She would like to add an item to the agenda for the
September meeting to discuss ways to ensure the Implementer Registry is used and does not
Planning for the September Meeting
Wanner asked for a head count of those planning to attend the September meeting. That list
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Eric Leckbee - Innovative Interfaces
John Bodfish and Tony OʼBrien - OCLC
Robert Gray - Polaris
Kevin Stewart - Relais International
Gail Wanner - SirsiDynix
DJ Miller - TLC
[Editorʼs Note: Collette Mak is also planning to attend the September meeting. To date, the only
NCIP-IG members who have not yet indicated whether they plan to have a representative in
attendance at the meeting are 3M and VTLS.]
Dhaval Kotecha would like to participate by phone in the discussion about the NCIP Forum.
Further, Wanner indicated that Bob Daugherty of the Univerity of Illinois at Chicago might also
want to participate by phone for portions of the meeting. Daugherty participated in the early
stages of NCIPʼs development.
Most of those attending indicated they will be staying at the Hyatt Rosemont. Dicus said a
shuttle is available to the hotel from OʼHare International Airport, but we may need to arrange for
a taxi to take us to the Ex Libris offices each day.Action Items
Wanner reminded the group to check the action items posted at the NISO website (http://
Documentation Projects
Wanner reviewed the list of documentation projects.
* Getting Started with NCIP / NCIP for Dummies : targeted at programmers interested in
implementing NCIP. Volunteers are needed to work on this project.
* RFP Guidelines : Jackson will have a draft ready to review at the September meeting.
* Core Messages Explained : targeted at librarians interested in using NCIP to accomplish
various tasks within the library. Wanner is currently working on a draft.
*Is NCIP Restful? : Stewart prepared a draft that might be considered finished.
* Statement regarding versions : Walsh prepared a draft that might be considered finished.
The group needs to review the last two items to determine where and how to incoporate into the
Standard as part of the upcoming revision. Also, these two documents should be posted in the
NCIP workroom at the NISO website so all can review.
Next Call
Wanner reported that the next call is scheduled for September 16, 2010, at 1 pm Eastern.