August 20, 2009
NCIP Conference Call
August 20, 2009
Present on the call
Mary Jackson - Auto-Graphics
Susan Campbell - CCLA
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Karen Wetzel - NISO
John Bodfish - OCLC
Gail Wanner (Chair), Brent Jensen - SirsiDynix
Scott Mayberry - VTLS
- Continuous Maintenance
- Walsh provided an update on the status of the potential shift from periodic
review to continuous maintenance. He referred to draft documents posted to
the NISO Z39.83 Implementers Group forum on June 25, 2009, and he
indicated that no feedback had been received. The group agreed to put the
question to a formal ballot .
- ALA and Other Updates
- LLAMA / RUSA STARS: Wanner reported that she, Claire Mackeigan, and
Walsh participated in the LLAMA / RUSA STARS Resource Sharing Interop
panel held at ALA in July 2009. They provided the typical NCIP status update,
promoting the additions introduced in version 2. Jennifer Bowen, another
panelist representing the eXensibility Catalog (XC) project, excited the group
with her report on the progress of this open source project. Several universities
(and at least one public institution) have been working to provide generic NCIP
interfaces to various ILS back-ends. To date, they have implementations with
Aleph, Voyager, and possibly others. They are working on an interface to
Innovative Interfaces (III). Most of the progress has been made without
assistance from the ILS vendors nor from the NCIP IG. Wanner is talking with
Bowen about the XC joining the NCIP IG. Bodfish (who attended the LLAMA /
RUSA STARS panel) suggested that one of the most productive areas of
cooperation is that of extensibility and additional messages. Wanner plans to
invite members of the XC to attend the September 2009 meeting (either inperson or via a teleconference).
- NCIP Meet-and-Greet: Wanner reported that the ALA Meet-and-Greet was fun
but did not achieve the intended results. The turn-out was small and included
only those who actively participate in the NCIP IG. However, she
acknowledged that we were late publicizing the event and sending invitations.
She feels that we should try again at a future ALA.
- September Meeting- The NCIP IG will meet in Dublin, OH (hosted by OCLC), September 22-24,
2009. The plan is to have two full days followed by a half day on Thursday.
Potential topics for the agenda include:
- Continuous Maintenance
- Updating RFP guideline document and roadmap to NCIP
- Work on Core Message Profiles
- Further discussion on Errors and Extensibility
- The eXtensibility Catalog project
- Outreach and Continuing Education
- Possible Registry of Implementers
- Tony OʼBrien will be sending hotel and other travel information to the list soon.
- Since the scheduled date for the next conference call is so close to the dates
for the meeting, the group decided not to hold a September call.
- Implementation Updates
- SirsiDynix is in production with TLC and working on implementation with CARL.
They have talked with Ex Libris (Voyager).
- Ex Libris is working on implementing with SirsiDynix and Relais International
- OCLC is in production with SirsiDynix (Unicorn and Horizon) and Ex Libris
- All of the implementations are currently using NCIP Version 1
- Marketing Updates
- Website: Walsh reported that he is working to migrate the existing site
and content to a solution hosted in Drupal. Progress is good and he hopes to
be able to provide at least a preview at the September meeting. The initial goal
is to move the existing content, possibly relocating some of the linked
documents to the NISO site. The content will be externally linkable (unlike with
the current site) so that one could link directly to a document or page inside the
main site.
- LITA Forum: Wanner reported that the LITA Forum presentation is in the
planning stages. The group who plans to present is actively working on each of
their respective parts.
- Press Release: Wetzel and Wanner reported that a press release describing the
Core Message Set has been prepared. Wetzel will check to see whether it was
picked up by any publications.
- ISQ Article: The last issue of the NISO ISQ included an article summarizing the
April 2009 meeting.
- Recruiting: Wanner reported that, in addition to her efforts with the XC project,
she had a conference call recently with Bibliomondo. They seem interested in
joining the NCIP IG. Also, she had a brief conversation with Civica (Spydus)
and they are interested in learning more about NCIP and our group.
- Inactive Group Members
- Wanner and Wetzel reported that, in accordance with a discussion at the April
meeting, notices had been sent to former member organizations who had not
met the participation guidelines. Of all sent, Wetzel received one confirmation
that the group is no longer interested in NCIP. Also, Mayberry joined the call in response to the notice. Walsh will remove the inactive members from the list on
the website.
- Wanner adjourned the call.
August 20, 2009
Present on the call
Mary Jackson - Auto-Graphics
Susan Campbell - CCLA
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Karen Wetzel - NISO
John Bodfish - OCLC
Gail Wanner (Chair), Brent Jensen - SirsiDynix
Scott Mayberry - VTLS
- Continuous Maintenance
- Walsh provided an update on the status of the potential shift from periodic
review to continuous maintenance. He referred to draft documents posted to
the NISO Z39.83 Implementers Group forum on June 25, 2009, and he
indicated that no feedback had been received. The group agreed to put the
question to a formal ballot .
- ALA and Other Updates
- LLAMA / RUSA STARS: Wanner reported that she, Claire Mackeigan, and
Walsh participated in the LLAMA / RUSA STARS Resource Sharing Interop
panel held at ALA in July 2009. They provided the typical NCIP status update,
promoting the additions introduced in version 2. Jennifer Bowen, another
panelist representing the eXensibility Catalog (XC) project, excited the group
with her report on the progress of this open source project. Several universities
(and at least one public institution) have been working to provide generic NCIP
interfaces to various ILS back-ends. To date, they have implementations with
Aleph, Voyager, and possibly others. They are working on an interface to
Innovative Interfaces (III). Most of the progress has been made without
assistance from the ILS vendors nor from the NCIP IG. Wanner is talking with
Bowen about the XC joining the NCIP IG. Bodfish (who attended the LLAMA /
RUSA STARS panel) suggested that one of the most productive areas of
cooperation is that of extensibility and additional messages. Wanner plans to
invite members of the XC to attend the September 2009 meeting (either inperson or via a teleconference).
- NCIP Meet-and-Greet: Wanner reported that the ALA Meet-and-Greet was fun
but did not achieve the intended results. The turn-out was small and included
only those who actively participate in the NCIP IG. However, she
acknowledged that we were late publicizing the event and sending invitations.
She feels that we should try again at a future ALA.
- September Meeting- The NCIP IG will meet in Dublin, OH (hosted by OCLC), September 22-24,
2009. The plan is to have two full days followed by a half day on Thursday.
Potential topics for the agenda include:
- Continuous Maintenance
- Updating RFP guideline document and roadmap to NCIP
- Work on Core Message Profiles
- Further discussion on Errors and Extensibility
- The eXtensibility Catalog project
- Outreach and Continuing Education
- Possible Registry of Implementers
- Tony OʼBrien will be sending hotel and other travel information to the list soon.
- Since the scheduled date for the next conference call is so close to the dates
for the meeting, the group decided not to hold a September call.
- Implementation Updates
- SirsiDynix is in production with TLC and working on implementation with CARL.
They have talked with Ex Libris (Voyager).
- Ex Libris is working on implementing with SirsiDynix and Relais International
- OCLC is in production with SirsiDynix (Unicorn and Horizon) and Ex Libris
- All of the implementations are currently using NCIP Version 1
- Marketing Updates
- Website: Walsh reported that he is working to migrate the existing site
and content to a solution hosted in Drupal. Progress is good and he hopes to
be able to provide at least a preview at the September meeting. The initial goal
is to move the existing content, possibly relocating some of the linked
documents to the NISO site. The content will be externally linkable (unlike with
the current site) so that one could link directly to a document or page inside the
main site.
- LITA Forum: Wanner reported that the LITA Forum presentation is in the
planning stages. The group who plans to present is actively working on each of
their respective parts.
- Press Release: Wetzel and Wanner reported that a press release describing the
Core Message Set has been prepared. Wetzel will check to see whether it was
picked up by any publications.
- ISQ Article: The last issue of the NISO ISQ included an article summarizing the
April 2009 meeting.
- Recruiting: Wanner reported that, in addition to her efforts with the XC project,
she had a conference call recently with Bibliomondo. They seem interested in
joining the NCIP IG. Also, she had a brief conversation with Civica (Spydus)
and they are interested in learning more about NCIP and our group.
- Inactive Group Members
- Wanner and Wetzel reported that, in accordance with a discussion at the April
meeting, notices had been sent to former member organizations who had not
met the participation guidelines. Of all sent, Wetzel received one confirmation
that the group is no longer interested in NCIP. Also, Mayberry joined the call in response to the notice. Walsh will remove the inactive members from the list on
the website.
- Wanner adjourned the call.