December 17, 2009
NCIP Conference Call
December 17, 2009
Present on the call
Mary Campbell - Auto-Graphics
Ted Koppel - Auto-Graphics
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Lynne Branche Brown - Innovative Interfaces
Karen Wetzel - NISO
Dan Iddings - PALCI
Gail Wanner (Chair) - SirsiDynix
Jean Rafsnider - TLC/CARL
DJ Miller - TLC/CARL
Updates from Implementers
Brown reported that Innovative Interfaces has been working to test with Auto-Graphics
on NCIP Version 1. Innovative is the initiator and Auto-Graphics is the responder.
Jackson reported that Auto-Graphics is ready to move into production with TLC for
some libraries. Miller added that testing has been done with libraries in Louisiana (at
the production level), and they expect to have something stable by the end of January.
TLC is also working on an implementation for Solano. So far that work is on schedule.
News from the Standards Community
Wetzel reported the NISO has completed an ANSI audit during which they were unable
to process any changes to current standards. NISO passed the audit and is now ready
to submit the Continuous Maintenance request forms for NCIP. There was one minor
correction in the request that Wetzel and Walsh are working to work.
Walsh reported that the Single Sign-On (SSO) working group has redefined its charge in
order to clarify the deliverables. It has broken into small sub-groups, each of which is
focused on one of the deliverables. The SSO has been coordinating its efforts with
other groups and organizations focused on similar topics. Wanner asked if this would
affect LookupUser. Walsh said that the emphasis has been on how to present a
common user experience rather than on standardizing the technical details of the
Progress on Tasks and ProjectsA first draft of an Implementer Registry has been posted at the NCIP website (http:// Everyone is encouraged to review it and report
any errors or necessary changes. Wanner continues to work on the on-line form
presented during a previous call, and another version should be ready for review soon.
Wanner asked if anyone had any updates on the NCIP for Dummies/Getting Started
guide. In a prior call, (Tony) OʼBrien asked for volunteers to assist (John) Bodfish in this
effort. No one on this call, though, had any knowledge of the current status.
Koppel reported that he and Wetzel had spoken about updating the RFP Guidelines.
The goal now is to create an on-line guide that will be more accessible and more
maintainable than a static document. Koppel and Wetzel would like to see NCIP
provide the proof-of-concept that could serve as a model for other standards. Koppel
agreed to put together an outline that this group can then subdivide and flesh out.
Koppel hopes to have the outline ready by the January 21, 2010, call.
Wanner reported that the LLAMA/RUSA STARS group was again hosting a panel
discussion at ALA Midwinter 2010. Wanner believed the panel to be scheduled for
Sunday morning, but the specific details have not yet been made available. Walsh,
Koppel, and Iddings agreed to attend to represent NCIP. Brown indicated that she
might be able to attend.
The LITA Standards Interest Group is scheduled to meet Saturday, January 16 from
4:00 - 5:30 pm in the Boston Convention and Exhibit Center, Room 104A/B. An agenda
is available at
Koppel asked for an update on the status of the Rethinking Resource Sharing group.
Wanner said that there is a meeting of the steering group scheduled for Friday, January
15. Additionally, four or five working group meetings are planned for Sunday.
Spring Meeting
(Robert) Gray posted information to the NCIP list. The dates are April 27-29, 2010. The
meeting will be held at The Craftsman Inn, 7300 East Genesee Street, Fayetteville, NY
13066. The phone number for the hotel is 315-637-8000, and the website is http:// Polaris has arranged for a group rate of $109/night. To get this
rate, mention that you are with Polaris Library Systems when you make your
2010 Conference Calls
Calls in 2010 are planned for the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1 pm Eastern / 11 am
Pacific. Specific dates are:* Jan 21
* Feb 18
* Mar 18
* Apr 15
* May 20
* Jun 17
* Jul 15
* Aug 19
* Sep 16
* Oct 21
* Nov 18
* Dec 16
Wetzel will post the call schedule to the working group workspace calendar at the NISO
website, and she will make the schedule public.
Wanner adjourned the call.
December 17, 2009
Present on the call
Mary Campbell - Auto-Graphics
Ted Koppel - Auto-Graphics
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Lynne Branche Brown - Innovative Interfaces
Karen Wetzel - NISO
Dan Iddings - PALCI
Gail Wanner (Chair) - SirsiDynix
Jean Rafsnider - TLC/CARL
DJ Miller - TLC/CARL
Updates from Implementers
Brown reported that Innovative Interfaces has been working to test with Auto-Graphics
on NCIP Version 1. Innovative is the initiator and Auto-Graphics is the responder.
Jackson reported that Auto-Graphics is ready to move into production with TLC for
some libraries. Miller added that testing has been done with libraries in Louisiana (at
the production level), and they expect to have something stable by the end of January.
TLC is also working on an implementation for Solano. So far that work is on schedule.
News from the Standards Community
Wetzel reported the NISO has completed an ANSI audit during which they were unable
to process any changes to current standards. NISO passed the audit and is now ready
to submit the Continuous Maintenance request forms for NCIP. There was one minor
correction in the request that Wetzel and Walsh are working to work.
Walsh reported that the Single Sign-On (SSO) working group has redefined its charge in
order to clarify the deliverables. It has broken into small sub-groups, each of which is
focused on one of the deliverables. The SSO has been coordinating its efforts with
other groups and organizations focused on similar topics. Wanner asked if this would
affect LookupUser. Walsh said that the emphasis has been on how to present a
common user experience rather than on standardizing the technical details of the
Progress on Tasks and ProjectsA first draft of an Implementer Registry has been posted at the NCIP website (http:// Everyone is encouraged to review it and report
any errors or necessary changes. Wanner continues to work on the on-line form
presented during a previous call, and another version should be ready for review soon.
Wanner asked if anyone had any updates on the NCIP for Dummies/Getting Started
guide. In a prior call, (Tony) OʼBrien asked for volunteers to assist (John) Bodfish in this
effort. No one on this call, though, had any knowledge of the current status.
Koppel reported that he and Wetzel had spoken about updating the RFP Guidelines.
The goal now is to create an on-line guide that will be more accessible and more
maintainable than a static document. Koppel and Wetzel would like to see NCIP
provide the proof-of-concept that could serve as a model for other standards. Koppel
agreed to put together an outline that this group can then subdivide and flesh out.
Koppel hopes to have the outline ready by the January 21, 2010, call.
Wanner reported that the LLAMA/RUSA STARS group was again hosting a panel
discussion at ALA Midwinter 2010. Wanner believed the panel to be scheduled for
Sunday morning, but the specific details have not yet been made available. Walsh,
Koppel, and Iddings agreed to attend to represent NCIP. Brown indicated that she
might be able to attend.
The LITA Standards Interest Group is scheduled to meet Saturday, January 16 from
4:00 - 5:30 pm in the Boston Convention and Exhibit Center, Room 104A/B. An agenda
is available at
Koppel asked for an update on the status of the Rethinking Resource Sharing group.
Wanner said that there is a meeting of the steering group scheduled for Friday, January
15. Additionally, four or five working group meetings are planned for Sunday.
Spring Meeting
(Robert) Gray posted information to the NCIP list. The dates are April 27-29, 2010. The
meeting will be held at The Craftsman Inn, 7300 East Genesee Street, Fayetteville, NY
13066. The phone number for the hotel is 315-637-8000, and the website is http:// Polaris has arranged for a group rate of $109/night. To get this
rate, mention that you are with Polaris Library Systems when you make your
2010 Conference Calls
Calls in 2010 are planned for the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1 pm Eastern / 11 am
Pacific. Specific dates are:* Jan 21
* Feb 18
* Mar 18
* Apr 15
* May 20
* Jun 17
* Jul 15
* Aug 19
* Sep 16
* Oct 21
* Nov 18
* Dec 16
Wetzel will post the call schedule to the working group workspace calendar at the NISO
website, and she will make the schedule public.
Wanner adjourned the call.