January 19, 2012
NCIP Standing Committee
January 19, 2012 – Conference Call
John Sandstrum – College Center for Library Automation (CCLA)
Mike Dicus – Ex Libris (Chair)
Rob Walsh – EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Randy Cook – eXtensible Catalog (XC)
Eric Leckbee – Innovative Interfaces
Tony O’Brien – OCLC
John Barr – Polaris
Robert Gray – Polaris
Kevin Stewart – Relais International
Kristen Kokx – TLC
Juli Marsh - TLC
Dhaval Kotecha – RapidRadio (attempt to dial-in but had trouble with the connection)
Ranny Lacanienta / Brent Thompson – (may not have received the call in information early enough)
Chuck Jents – 3M
Mary Jackson – Auto-Graphics
Peter Collins – BorrowDirect
Scott Mayberry - VTLS
I. Implementer updates
TLC – Completed testing with Baker & Taylor. Waiting on them to be ready to implement Access360 with Contra Costa, CA. Have put testing with URSA on hold due to issues with URSA test server. Evaluating NCIP v2 vs. SIP 3 to determine which to support. Are ready to begin live testing with MELCat in Michigan.
Ex Libris – Doing some development for NCIP to work with OCLC. In the process of doing some additional testing, and hope to be able to test with customers by mid year and go live later in the year.
Innovative Interfaces – Completing the productization of NCIP 2.0 for the work done with Relais International. Have received a new work order to install in Maryland in a mixed ILS environment. Also have plans to work with Baker & Taylor.
Relais – Preparing to do some testing Polaris.
Polaris – Have near term plans to work with Relais in Maryland and Innovative in Denver. In Texas, a customer is using NCIP v1 to do remote patron authentication.
II. Status of revised documents
Revised protocol documents have been turned over to NISO for final editing. Not sure where they are inside of NISO. Not sure, either, the status of the RFP Writer’s Guide.
O’Brien posted a revised schema to the list and has received no feedback. He is prepared to release the schema as final.
III. Events at ALA MW 2012
No ALA events were noted.
IV. Document Availability Information API (DAIA)
http://t.co/5X6HkAhu and http://www.gbv.de/wikis/cls/Document_Availability_Information_API_(DAIA)#Overview
This issue was raised through the NISO architecture committee and the D2D topic committee, and the person or people behind this movement are promoting that SIP and NCIP are unsuitable for use in open environments where one may want to allow to ad hoc systems to communicate and share information. It may be appropriate for this group to issue some sort of response or at least to investigate the details of this API.
V. Next meetings:
a. Monthly call – February 16, 2012 @ 1 pm Eastern time (U.S.)
b. In-person meeting – April 25-26, 2012 (hosted by TLC)
January 19, 2012 – Conference Call
John Sandstrum – College Center for Library Automation (CCLA)
Mike Dicus – Ex Libris (Chair)
Rob Walsh – EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Randy Cook – eXtensible Catalog (XC)
Eric Leckbee – Innovative Interfaces
Tony O’Brien – OCLC
John Barr – Polaris
Robert Gray – Polaris
Kevin Stewart – Relais International
Kristen Kokx – TLC
Juli Marsh - TLC
Dhaval Kotecha – RapidRadio (attempt to dial-in but had trouble with the connection)
Ranny Lacanienta / Brent Thompson – (may not have received the call in information early enough)
Chuck Jents – 3M
Mary Jackson – Auto-Graphics
Peter Collins – BorrowDirect
Scott Mayberry - VTLS
I. Implementer updates
TLC – Completed testing with Baker & Taylor. Waiting on them to be ready to implement Access360 with Contra Costa, CA. Have put testing with URSA on hold due to issues with URSA test server. Evaluating NCIP v2 vs. SIP 3 to determine which to support. Are ready to begin live testing with MELCat in Michigan.
Ex Libris – Doing some development for NCIP to work with OCLC. In the process of doing some additional testing, and hope to be able to test with customers by mid year and go live later in the year.
Innovative Interfaces – Completing the productization of NCIP 2.0 for the work done with Relais International. Have received a new work order to install in Maryland in a mixed ILS environment. Also have plans to work with Baker & Taylor.
Relais – Preparing to do some testing Polaris.
Polaris – Have near term plans to work with Relais in Maryland and Innovative in Denver. In Texas, a customer is using NCIP v1 to do remote patron authentication.
II. Status of revised documents
Revised protocol documents have been turned over to NISO for final editing. Not sure where they are inside of NISO. Not sure, either, the status of the RFP Writer’s Guide.
O’Brien posted a revised schema to the list and has received no feedback. He is prepared to release the schema as final.
III. Events at ALA MW 2012
No ALA events were noted.
IV. Document Availability Information API (DAIA)
http://t.co/5X6HkAhu and http://www.gbv.de/wikis/cls/Document_Availability_Information_API_(DAIA)#Overview
This issue was raised through the NISO architecture committee and the D2D topic committee, and the person or people behind this movement are promoting that SIP and NCIP are unsuitable for use in open environments where one may want to allow to ad hoc systems to communicate and share information. It may be appropriate for this group to issue some sort of response or at least to investigate the details of this API.
V. Next meetings:
a. Monthly call – February 16, 2012 @ 1 pm Eastern time (U.S.)
b. In-person meeting – April 25-26, 2012 (hosted by TLC)