January 28, 2010
NCIP Conference Call
January 28, 2010
Present on the call
Sue Boettcher - 3M
Mary Campbell - Auto-Graphics
Susan Campbell - College Center for Library Automation (CCLA)
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Mien-Too (M.T.) Wesley - eXtensible Catalog Project
Lynne Branche Brown - Innovative Interfaces
Eric Leckbee - Innovative Interfaces
John Bodfish - OCLC
Collette Mak - University of Notre Dame
Robert Gray - Polaris
Gail Wanner (Chair) - SirsiDynix
Updates from Implementers
Jackson reported that Auto-Graphics is now in production with Agent Resource Sharing
exchanging with TLC at Mt. Vernon Parish in Louisiana. Wanner reported that
SirsiDynix is involved in on-going testing with CARL and preparing to start testing with
Voyager from Ex Libris.
Wesley provided an update on the use of NCIP with the eXtensible Catalog (XC; http://
www.extensiblecatalog.org/) Project. He indicated that NCIP is used to communicate
from the ILS through a Java application called the NCIP Toolkit, an interface that
functions as an NCIP responder. The project also includes a Drupal Toolkit with an
NCIP module written in PHP. This module functions as an NCIP initiator and allows for
various queries that go either to a native NCIP responder or to the NCIP Toolkit. The
Drupal NCIP module has no dependencies (other than Drupal itself), and it would be a
relatively easy task to extract the portions of the PHP code that do NCIP so that it could
be used outside of Drupal.
While implementing the NCIP Toolkit, the XC Project added a service that is not part of
NCIP: xcGetAvailability. This service allows lookups for multiple items using a single
query to improve efficiency. Wesley indicated, also, that some of the other NCIP
messages are not fully compliant with the Standard. Some data elements were
simplified because the structure as defined by the Standard was more complex than
was necessary to accomplish the task at hand. Physical and Electronic Address are
examples of data elements that are not fully NCIP compliant. Bibliographic Description
is another complex element that, according to the Standard, requires sub-fields that
may not even be available from the ILS.The XC hosts an issues queue on the projectʼs Google Code page (http://
code.google.com/p/xcnciptoolkit/issues/list). Approximately 35 issues are there
describing implementation, particularly where the implementation deviates from the
The NCIP and Drupal Toolkits use NCIP Version 1. Bodfish noted that it would be
interesting to see whether any of the issues identified during implementation are
resolved in Version 2. The project chose Version 1 since there were no existing
implementations based on Version 2.
Wesley asked why NCIP permits only one service per request. “Applications would be
simpler and more efficient if multiple requests could be sent and ordered so responses
could be matched,” he said. Further, he indicated that the overhead of the HTTP
protocol is greater per request than when used with raw TCP.
Wanner indicated that it would be nice if someone from the XC Project could attend the
spring meeting in Syracuse in April. Wesley indicated that he would not be able to
attend, but he would pass our invitation to others involved in the project.
News from the Standards Community
Mak provided a brief summary of the NCIP update provided by Walsh to the LLAMASASS/RUSA STARS forum at ALA MidWinter. She said that her take-aways from the
meeting were that, while technical work is progressing, interoperability remains
challenged by issues associated with building a business case. Walsh elaborated on
Makʼs summary indicating that he made an effort to explain the major efforts and
milestones since ALA Annual 2009, including the recent work of the XC Project and the
importance of communicating “real” needs and use cases to vendors and in RFPs. He
and Mak agreed that the forum was under-attended, probably only 10-20 people.
Walsh indicated that some in attendance at the LLAMA-SASS/RUSA STARS forum
expressed interest in getting ILLiad to build an NCIP interface. Wanner said that she
spoke to people at Atlas about two years ago, and they had no real interest at that time.
However, she offered to reach out to them again.
Dicus reported that NISO held an AVIAC meeting at ALA MidWinter. Those in
attendance discussed ways to get vendors to implement standards in general and
NCIP specifically.
Continuous Maintenance
Wanner and Walsh reported that ANSI has approved our request to move NCIP from
periodic review to continuous maintenance. Walsh briefly summarized the procedures
and announced that the full procedures document is now available at the NISO website
Gray described a defect (or inconsistency) between the schema and the Standard with
respect to the ordering of certain elements within Authentication Prompt.
Walsh reported that another defect had been reported to NISO and responded to on the
NCIP general interest list. This one relates to an XML code example for the Amount
element in the Implementation Profile that still uses scheme/value pairs.
Walsh agreed to compile a list of all currently know defects, including those identified
during and after the Version 2 balloting, and post to the list as soon as possible so that
they can be reviewed and amended prior to the March 1 deadline for submitting change
requests for considerations at the spring meeting.
Progress on Tasks
Wanner proposed that updates to the RFP Guidelines and work on an introductory
guide to NCIP be deferred until the spring meeting. She suggested that small work
groups be convened at the meeting so that tangible work could be done during the
Wanner suggested that we plan a social event at ALA Annual 2010, possibly Sunday
afternoon around 5:30 pm. Further plans will be made either at the next conference call
or at the spring meeting.
Spring Meeting (Repeated from December 2009 call minutes)
The dates for the spring meeting are April 27-29, 2010. The meeting will be held at The
Craftsman Inn, 7300 East Genesee Street, Fayetteville, NY 13066. The phone number
for the hotel is 315-637-8000, and the website is http://www.craftsmaninn.com. Polaris
has arranged for a group rate of $109/night. To get this rate, mention that you are with
Polaris Library Systems when you make your reservation.
2010 Conference Calls (Repeated from December 2009 call minutes)
Calls in 2010 are planned for the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1 pm Eastern / 11 am
Pacific. Specific dates are:
* Feb 18
* Mar 18
* Apr 15
* May 20
* Jun 17
* Jul 15* Aug 19
* Sep 16
* Oct 21
* Nov 18
* Dec 16
Wanner adjourned the call.
January 28, 2010
Present on the call
Sue Boettcher - 3M
Mary Campbell - Auto-Graphics
Susan Campbell - College Center for Library Automation (CCLA)
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Mien-Too (M.T.) Wesley - eXtensible Catalog Project
Lynne Branche Brown - Innovative Interfaces
Eric Leckbee - Innovative Interfaces
John Bodfish - OCLC
Collette Mak - University of Notre Dame
Robert Gray - Polaris
Gail Wanner (Chair) - SirsiDynix
Updates from Implementers
Jackson reported that Auto-Graphics is now in production with Agent Resource Sharing
exchanging with TLC at Mt. Vernon Parish in Louisiana. Wanner reported that
SirsiDynix is involved in on-going testing with CARL and preparing to start testing with
Voyager from Ex Libris.
Wesley provided an update on the use of NCIP with the eXtensible Catalog (XC; http://
www.extensiblecatalog.org/) Project. He indicated that NCIP is used to communicate
from the ILS through a Java application called the NCIP Toolkit, an interface that
functions as an NCIP responder. The project also includes a Drupal Toolkit with an
NCIP module written in PHP. This module functions as an NCIP initiator and allows for
various queries that go either to a native NCIP responder or to the NCIP Toolkit. The
Drupal NCIP module has no dependencies (other than Drupal itself), and it would be a
relatively easy task to extract the portions of the PHP code that do NCIP so that it could
be used outside of Drupal.
While implementing the NCIP Toolkit, the XC Project added a service that is not part of
NCIP: xcGetAvailability. This service allows lookups for multiple items using a single
query to improve efficiency. Wesley indicated, also, that some of the other NCIP
messages are not fully compliant with the Standard. Some data elements were
simplified because the structure as defined by the Standard was more complex than
was necessary to accomplish the task at hand. Physical and Electronic Address are
examples of data elements that are not fully NCIP compliant. Bibliographic Description
is another complex element that, according to the Standard, requires sub-fields that
may not even be available from the ILS.The XC hosts an issues queue on the projectʼs Google Code page (http://
code.google.com/p/xcnciptoolkit/issues/list). Approximately 35 issues are there
describing implementation, particularly where the implementation deviates from the
The NCIP and Drupal Toolkits use NCIP Version 1. Bodfish noted that it would be
interesting to see whether any of the issues identified during implementation are
resolved in Version 2. The project chose Version 1 since there were no existing
implementations based on Version 2.
Wesley asked why NCIP permits only one service per request. “Applications would be
simpler and more efficient if multiple requests could be sent and ordered so responses
could be matched,” he said. Further, he indicated that the overhead of the HTTP
protocol is greater per request than when used with raw TCP.
Wanner indicated that it would be nice if someone from the XC Project could attend the
spring meeting in Syracuse in April. Wesley indicated that he would not be able to
attend, but he would pass our invitation to others involved in the project.
News from the Standards Community
Mak provided a brief summary of the NCIP update provided by Walsh to the LLAMASASS/RUSA STARS forum at ALA MidWinter. She said that her take-aways from the
meeting were that, while technical work is progressing, interoperability remains
challenged by issues associated with building a business case. Walsh elaborated on
Makʼs summary indicating that he made an effort to explain the major efforts and
milestones since ALA Annual 2009, including the recent work of the XC Project and the
importance of communicating “real” needs and use cases to vendors and in RFPs. He
and Mak agreed that the forum was under-attended, probably only 10-20 people.
Walsh indicated that some in attendance at the LLAMA-SASS/RUSA STARS forum
expressed interest in getting ILLiad to build an NCIP interface. Wanner said that she
spoke to people at Atlas about two years ago, and they had no real interest at that time.
However, she offered to reach out to them again.
Dicus reported that NISO held an AVIAC meeting at ALA MidWinter. Those in
attendance discussed ways to get vendors to implement standards in general and
NCIP specifically.
Continuous Maintenance
Wanner and Walsh reported that ANSI has approved our request to move NCIP from
periodic review to continuous maintenance. Walsh briefly summarized the procedures
and announced that the full procedures document is now available at the NISO website
Gray described a defect (or inconsistency) between the schema and the Standard with
respect to the ordering of certain elements within Authentication Prompt.
Walsh reported that another defect had been reported to NISO and responded to on the
NCIP general interest list. This one relates to an XML code example for the Amount
element in the Implementation Profile that still uses scheme/value pairs.
Walsh agreed to compile a list of all currently know defects, including those identified
during and after the Version 2 balloting, and post to the list as soon as possible so that
they can be reviewed and amended prior to the March 1 deadline for submitting change
requests for considerations at the spring meeting.
Progress on Tasks
Wanner proposed that updates to the RFP Guidelines and work on an introductory
guide to NCIP be deferred until the spring meeting. She suggested that small work
groups be convened at the meeting so that tangible work could be done during the
Wanner suggested that we plan a social event at ALA Annual 2010, possibly Sunday
afternoon around 5:30 pm. Further plans will be made either at the next conference call
or at the spring meeting.
Spring Meeting (Repeated from December 2009 call minutes)
The dates for the spring meeting are April 27-29, 2010. The meeting will be held at The
Craftsman Inn, 7300 East Genesee Street, Fayetteville, NY 13066. The phone number
for the hotel is 315-637-8000, and the website is http://www.craftsmaninn.com. Polaris
has arranged for a group rate of $109/night. To get this rate, mention that you are with
Polaris Library Systems when you make your reservation.
2010 Conference Calls (Repeated from December 2009 call minutes)
Calls in 2010 are planned for the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1 pm Eastern / 11 am
Pacific. Specific dates are:
* Feb 18
* Mar 18
* Apr 15
* May 20
* Jun 17
* Jul 15* Aug 19
* Sep 16
* Oct 21
* Nov 18
* Dec 16
Wanner adjourned the call.