June 20, 2013
NCIP Standing Committee Meeting
June 20, 2013
In Attendance:
Mike Dicus (Ex Libris)
Lori Ayre (Galecia Group)
Nettie Lagace (NISO)
John Bodfish (OCLC)
Dhaval Kotecha (RapidRadio)
Kevin Stewart (Relais)
Kelli Benitez and Juli Marsh (TLC)
Peter Collins (Univ. of PA)
John Barr (Polaris)
Randy Cook (Univ. of Rochester/XCO)
Tony O’Brien (OCLC)
Notetaker: Lori
Juli (TLC): moving forward with implementation with OCLC (Texas) and with Relais
Kevin (Relais): another keystone library is up on NCIP now; began testing with Ex Libris
Alma (Univ of New South Wales)
Mike (Ex Libris): twelve Keystone libraries (PA) are in production; still working with a
few Keystone libraries to get the remaining sites up; working with Relais to test
integration with Alma
Dhaval (RapidRadio): Eager to cooperate with other vendors on version 2. (update
relayed by Mike on Dhaval’s behalf)
Info at niso.org/workrooms/active groups/NCIP Standing Committee/ NCIP workroom
public page and see the left "Continuous Maintenance"
Approved by ANSI, which means they support having NCIP in a continuous
maintenance status. ANSI periodically audits NISO to make sure that we are doing
things by the book. Audit happening right now so we may receive some
recommendations from ANSI arising from their audit."Continuous Maintenance" means once a status is published, it needs to be looked at
for possible revision at least every 5 yrs. There are ticklers used to make sure the
different topic committees are reviewing the standards on continuous maintenance in a
timely fashion. NCIP and SUSHI and a data dictionary for library statistics are examples
of standards that need to be approved more often than every five years just because of
the nature of the standard. So, for these, ANSI has offered the status of "continuous
maintenance." ANSI stresses that a consensus approval must be applied to the
standard so any time a change is made to the standard it must be put to the consensus
body which is the NCIP Voting Pool which consists of various vendors and
libraries. This is a subset of the overall membership who have indicated they have an
interest in NCIP. Cynthia and Nettie are responsible for sending out the ballots to the
NCIP Voting Pool. The voting results are sent to ANSI and they then approve the
change. Only voting members can be in NCIP Voting Pool. Libraries are mostly LSA
members and don't have voting rights. Libraries are represented through ALA, and
some consortia like LYRASIS. 50% or 2/3 of the NCIP Voting Pool must vote for change
in order for those changes to be adopted and forwarded to ANSI for final approval.
Anyone can make suggestions for changes to NCIP via email to chair or to NISO. This
group is required (as a CM procedure) to review changes that are recommended are
considered. Deadlines for consideration are August 1st and March 1st and these must
be considered by May 31 and Oct 31 (respectively). The SC has some flexibility for
accepting late suggestions for consideration. Four outcomes are possible: accept
recommendations with modifications, accept recommendations without modifications,
reject recommendations, or recommend for further study. Changes get recorded by
NISO and they get submitted to ANSI for finalization (requires more work than it
sounds). So, ideally, best to submit changes to ANSI no more than once per year.
Lori requested to see who is in the NCIP Voting Pool. Voting members volunteer each
year to be on Voting Pool. List not on NISO site but Nettie will send out to group.
Role of Maintenance Agency versus Standing Committee: EnvisionWare has stepped
down as Maintenance Agency. As long as all the tasks of the Maintenance Agency are
taken care of, there may not need to be an organization acting as Maintenance
Agency. The Standing Committee cannot be the Maintenance Agency. SUSHI also has
no maintenance agency.
The SC does not have a quorum today, so it can't vote to dissolve the Maintenance
Agency. Nettie will set up a ballot so we can vote on this online. Next meeting is July
18th so we'll have voting end on or about July 12th.
Juli hasn't had a chance to update the ncip.info website. IMPLEMENTER PROFILES
Mike asked if anyone had a new implementer profile to be uploaded to
workroom. These are not currently viewable by the public but Nettie will change that
so anyone can see them.
Sunday evening, June 30th @ 5:30-7pm for informal gathering at M/X at Hyatt Regency.
It is planned for October. The location has not yet been set.
July 18th @ 1 pm Eastern US time
June 20, 2013
In Attendance:
Mike Dicus (Ex Libris)
Lori Ayre (Galecia Group)
Nettie Lagace (NISO)
John Bodfish (OCLC)
Dhaval Kotecha (RapidRadio)
Kevin Stewart (Relais)
Kelli Benitez and Juli Marsh (TLC)
Peter Collins (Univ. of PA)
John Barr (Polaris)
Randy Cook (Univ. of Rochester/XCO)
Tony O’Brien (OCLC)
Notetaker: Lori
Juli (TLC): moving forward with implementation with OCLC (Texas) and with Relais
Kevin (Relais): another keystone library is up on NCIP now; began testing with Ex Libris
Alma (Univ of New South Wales)
Mike (Ex Libris): twelve Keystone libraries (PA) are in production; still working with a
few Keystone libraries to get the remaining sites up; working with Relais to test
integration with Alma
Dhaval (RapidRadio): Eager to cooperate with other vendors on version 2. (update
relayed by Mike on Dhaval’s behalf)
Info at niso.org/workrooms/active groups/NCIP Standing Committee/ NCIP workroom
public page and see the left "Continuous Maintenance"
Approved by ANSI, which means they support having NCIP in a continuous
maintenance status. ANSI periodically audits NISO to make sure that we are doing
things by the book. Audit happening right now so we may receive some
recommendations from ANSI arising from their audit."Continuous Maintenance" means once a status is published, it needs to be looked at
for possible revision at least every 5 yrs. There are ticklers used to make sure the
different topic committees are reviewing the standards on continuous maintenance in a
timely fashion. NCIP and SUSHI and a data dictionary for library statistics are examples
of standards that need to be approved more often than every five years just because of
the nature of the standard. So, for these, ANSI has offered the status of "continuous
maintenance." ANSI stresses that a consensus approval must be applied to the
standard so any time a change is made to the standard it must be put to the consensus
body which is the NCIP Voting Pool which consists of various vendors and
libraries. This is a subset of the overall membership who have indicated they have an
interest in NCIP. Cynthia and Nettie are responsible for sending out the ballots to the
NCIP Voting Pool. The voting results are sent to ANSI and they then approve the
change. Only voting members can be in NCIP Voting Pool. Libraries are mostly LSA
members and don't have voting rights. Libraries are represented through ALA, and
some consortia like LYRASIS. 50% or 2/3 of the NCIP Voting Pool must vote for change
in order for those changes to be adopted and forwarded to ANSI for final approval.
Anyone can make suggestions for changes to NCIP via email to chair or to NISO. This
group is required (as a CM procedure) to review changes that are recommended are
considered. Deadlines for consideration are August 1st and March 1st and these must
be considered by May 31 and Oct 31 (respectively). The SC has some flexibility for
accepting late suggestions for consideration. Four outcomes are possible: accept
recommendations with modifications, accept recommendations without modifications,
reject recommendations, or recommend for further study. Changes get recorded by
NISO and they get submitted to ANSI for finalization (requires more work than it
sounds). So, ideally, best to submit changes to ANSI no more than once per year.
Lori requested to see who is in the NCIP Voting Pool. Voting members volunteer each
year to be on Voting Pool. List not on NISO site but Nettie will send out to group.
Role of Maintenance Agency versus Standing Committee: EnvisionWare has stepped
down as Maintenance Agency. As long as all the tasks of the Maintenance Agency are
taken care of, there may not need to be an organization acting as Maintenance
Agency. The Standing Committee cannot be the Maintenance Agency. SUSHI also has
no maintenance agency.
The SC does not have a quorum today, so it can't vote to dissolve the Maintenance
Agency. Nettie will set up a ballot so we can vote on this online. Next meeting is July
18th so we'll have voting end on or about July 12th.
Juli hasn't had a chance to update the ncip.info website. IMPLEMENTER PROFILES
Mike asked if anyone had a new implementer profile to be uploaded to
workroom. These are not currently viewable by the public but Nettie will change that
so anyone can see them.
Sunday evening, June 30th @ 5:30-7pm for informal gathering at M/X at Hyatt Regency.
It is planned for October. The location has not yet been set.
July 18th @ 1 pm Eastern US time