September 22-24, 2009
NCIP Implementers Group
Minutes - In Person Meeting
September 22-24, 2009
Sue Boettcher - 3M
Susan Campbell - College Center for Library Automation (CCLA)
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (NCIP Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Lynne Branche Brown - Innovative Interfaces (Tuesday, Wednesday only)
Karen Wetzel - NISO
John Bodfish - OCLC
Rob Corcuera - OCLC (Tuesday, Wednesday only)
Tony OʼBrien - OCLC (Thursday only)
Dan Iddings - PALCI (Tuesday, Wednesday only)
Rob Gray - Polaris
Gail Wanner - SirsiDynix (Chair; Wednesday, Thursday only)
DJ Miller - TLC
Minutes prepared and submitted by:
Rob Walsh, EnvisionWare / NCIP Maintenance Agency
Tuesday, September 22
Implementation Status Updates
Walsh, in Wannerʼs absence, opened the meeting and asked each attendee to provide
a brief implementation status update.
* Polaris
* doing NCIP with 3M using a self-service model
* has tight integration with SirsiDynix URSA that has progressed over the past
*looking to do more integration with Ex Libris and III in an ILL environment
* has some unique customers who want NCIP due to the security provided
through HTTPS
* using NCIP with CybraryN and Overdrive
* all implementations are responders, and all are based on NCIP Version 1
* has some prototype code written for NCIP Version 2
* have recently begun revisiting some older NCIP code
*testing with Auto-Graphics for a possible release in a few weeks
* have done some work with SirsiDynix for ILL
*implementation is a responder and is based on Version 1
1 of 26* OCLC
* has no concrete plans for Version 2
* has a number of products that act as initiators in ILL context
* working with Horizon, Unicorn, Symphony and Aleph in production
* working with Voyager (possibly in production)
* planning to work with Polaris and TLC
* 3M
*implemented Version 1 some time ago and have made no changes
* exchanging with Polaris and have some European implementations
* waiting for other people to support NCIP
* have no plans to implement Version 2 until more vendors support it
* Ex Libris
* Aleph and Voyager have responders
* both Aleph and Voyager are working with URSA and exchanging some
messages with Relais
* all implementations are Version 1
* do not yet perceive a market need for Version 2
* using NCIP Version 1 at two or three Voyager sites and 7 or 8 SirsiDynix sites
(with Unicorn and Symphony)
* migrating away from URSA and replacing with Relais
* working also with TLC
* has required all sites to be NCIP compliant as part of the URSA-to-Relais
* has encouraged III to develop an NCIP responder
Bodfish noted that OCLC has many consortia, and getting NCIP adopted across a
consortia with multiple vendors can be quite challenging. He asked Iddings what
compelling arguments convinced his vendors to implement. Iddings said that security
was a big part of the decision. Telnet screen scraping is both insecure and difficult to
implemet. Some campuses have shut down Telnet access on the local networks. He
said that, originally, the prices quoted for NCIP implementations were very expensive.
Everyone, though, has made it affordable. What has been surprising, he said, is that
each vendor seems to have a unique NCIP version for talking with Relais that is
different from what is used to talk to SirsiDynix. Bodfish explained that this is due in
part to the huge variety and the many options that exist in ILS. Iddings asked how he
can be confident that the new implementations will work. Bodfish replied that it requires
testing. However, he added, we can attempt to fix the core profiles and that will bring us
closer to having an expectation that two vendors can seamlessly interoperate. Gray
said that expectations around how reserves are handled can create confusion. “When
the reserve is placed or a book comes in that we are not expecting, are we to
automatically create a record, or will the ILL system tell us to create the reserve? We
have to implement different business rules with our NCIP implementations to integrate
with different vendors.” Bodfish said that we need to surface these issues as we work
through the core profiles. Iddings added that there are differences not just within the
2 of 26various systems, but with library policies as well. Bodfish concluded that there needs to
be some common understanding about what happens within the various systems that
goes beyond the messages themselves.
Wetzel stressed the importance of working to address Version 2. “We cannot continue
to maintain Version 1,” she said. Bodfish asked her to clarify whether she meant that
Version 1 should no longer be used or whether the efforts of the Implementers Group
should be focused primarily on Version 2. All existing implementations are Version 1,
and they will continue to exist for some time. Wetzel explained that NISO feels that new
efforts should be focused on Version 2, and implementers should be encouraged to
develop support for Version 2. Iddings added that PALCI expects all of its
implementations to be at Version 2 when the migration to Relais is complete. Brown
said that the NCIP responder that Innovative Interfaces is working with PALCI to
develop will be based on Version 2.
New Website
Walsh presented a new NCIP website that represents efforts to migrate existing
information from the current website and to better integrate information that is housed at
various NISO resources. The new website may be found at The
existing website may be accessed via, and the new site
has several links back to the older site. Those links will remain until all the information
from the older site is migrated.
The new site is based on Drupal, and it will allow the information to be more easily
updated. Further, content in the new site is directly linkable. In the older site, only the
main page was accessible directly.
Bodfish asked whether the content of the new site was arranged such that, when
EnvisionWare vacates the position of Maintenance Agency, the site could be easily
moved and re-hosted. Walsh explained that, in theory, that would be possible since it
would require moving the Drupal database to a another Drupal installation.
Core Profiles
After a brief review of the Agenda, the group began a discussion of Core Profiles.
Bodfish asked “What are they and what are they meant to accomplish?” Walsh said
that one of the goals was to build a high level set of documents focused on tasks rather
than specific details. Bodfish emphasized that there will remain, though, a need for the
low level details that enable on system to talk with another.
The group divided into two smaller groups, one focused on brokered DCB and another
focused on self-service. The goal for each group was to identify the core tasks and
functions that occur in each workflow in order to determine when specific
implementations begin to diverge.
3 of 26The small groups reunited and reviewed the work each had done. Bodfish summarized
the discussions from the DCB working group. They discovered that there are 6 basic
steps: authenticate, request, fill, return, and complete. [Editorʼs notes: clearly I missed a
step since I have only 5.] However, even at the highest level, this is much variation.
Campbell asked whether the discussions really were at the highest level, or were they
focused at a level with too much detail. Iddings said that at PALCI, there is much
variability in library policy and process, yet they still manage to get it done with NCIP.
Bodfish suggested that, with more time, he feels we could come up with a common
understanding. “However, it would be full of variables and options.” Walsh asked
Campbell whether, as a customer, a profile with many options would be useful.
Campbell said that would put us back where we are now. She asked why it isnʼt
possible to define a Core Profile around the 9 core messages. Bodfish said that, even
with those messages, there are options. How we identify them varies from system to
system, for example. Even when weʼve agreed on the message, there are so many
choices, and both partners in an exchange need to implement them the same way.
Using Accept Item as an example, who is supposed to notify the patron? That isnʼt
clear in the protocol. Who creates the item record? Who puts the item on hold? These
all require some interpretation of the standard, and we have to work with the other
vendor to ensure that we agree on the interpretation. Gray added that it is up to the
responder to make these decisions.
Campbell asked why vendors quote high prices when they need to expand an
implementation to interoperate with another vendor with whom they have not worked in
the past. Brown said that the problem is often a matter of not have a common
language. “Each new partner,” she said, “may require a slightly different language.”
Walsh said that he thinks of these as dialects. NCIP is the common language, but each
implementation may use a different dialect. Bodfish added that these dialects may be
as different as old and modern English. “This has created a difficult situation for
customers because we canʼt specify in an RFP enough detail to assure that two
arbitrary implementations will interoperate,” he continued. Iddings suggested that there
should be a goal to improve the process so that implementations are “plug and play.”
He reminded the group that it took a long time to get to a point where MARC records
were a commodity. Gray said that Z39.50 is the same way. Campbell asked whether
one of the goals of Version 2 was improved interoperability, possibly through the core
message set. Bodfish said he didnʼt think that was a goal of Version 2. “It is a goal of
the Implementers Group, and, while the core message set and Version 2 occurred at
about the same time, they were not aimed at the same goals.”
Campbell suggested that the question “Can you do this task?” may need to change to
“With whom can you do this task?” Gray said that, eventually, ILL implementations will
go farther than those today. Some day, it should be possible for both parties to be
initiators and responders so that the complete transaction can occur seamlessly and
automatically between the two systems. Bodfish said that there may be a higher level
with questions like “Do you do ʻtraditionalʼ ILL where one side makes a request of
another?” Brown said that an earlier effort by Wanner, Jackson, Campbell, and herself
came close to achieving what Campbell is requesting. (This document is titled
4 of 26NCIP_RS_CoreTasks_6028-2009_LBB.DOC, and it is available at
Campbell agreed and asked why so much variability exists within the standard. “If
minor changes are required in order to make two systems compatible,” she continued,
“then those changes should be modest and reasonable.”
Walsh summarized the efforts of the self-service working group. He explained that, in
many ways, self-service is simpler than resource sharing. As a result, there may be
much less variability in self-service workflows. However, some self-service
implementations may need only a single message, where others may use sequences of
messages to complete a task. For example, self-service implementations that need
only to determine whether a user is valid need only the Lookup User message.
Automated materials handling systems (sorters) may need only Checkin Item. Selfservice circulation kiosks, though, may need Checkout Item, Checkin Item, Renew Item,
Lookup User, and Lookup Item. Regardless, of the 9 core messages, it seems that only
5 are truly useful for self-service. Further there are other common self-service
functions, like paying fines (either as part of or independently from a circulation
transaction), creating or updating patron records, and making deposits to library-hosted
monetary accounts, that require messages outside the core set. Collectively, these
issues complicate the question of what it means to support the core message set.
Change / Review Process
Walsh explained that in a recent ballot, the NCIP IG had approved a move from periodic
to continuous review. ANSI still needs to officially approve the change, but Wetzel
indicated that there should be no reason why it would not be approved. Walsh
summarized the process that had been defined in the balloted documents. The group
will be able to review defects and enhancements requests twice each year. These
change requests need to be submitted in writing prior to a spring and a fall meeting.
Ideally, new items will be raised during each conference call so that members are
familiar with them prior to the meetings when they will need to be formally reviewed.
The group agreed that we should have a form on the website that people may complete
in order to submit a change request. When each item is reviewed, the group may
decide to accept it without change, accept it with modification, accept it for further study,
or reject it. (More information about the change from periodic to continuous review,
along with a description of the process, is available at
workgroup/z3983maint/download.php/2337/ContinMaintRequest_z39_83.pdf and http://
ContinMaint_Procedures_z39_83.pdf. These documents are available only to members
of the NCIP IG at this time. This information will be made available publicly once the
change is formally approved by ANSI.)
5 of 26As part of this discussion, the group identified the following criteria that will assist during
the review of each change request:
* Overall value and usefulness of the requested change
* Compatibility with current version
* Changes that break backward compatibility are reserved for major version
changes (Version 2 to Version 3, for example)
* Scope and relevance of the requested change
* Specific reasons, justifications, and use cases for the requested change
* Negative impacts associated with the requested change
* General applicability of the requested change
* Any field or trial usage of the requested change (through an extension, for example)
* A draft of changes necessary to the schema in order to support the requested change
Further, the group agreed that the versioning format for future revisions should be X.YY
where X represents the major version and YY represents the revision or minor version.
For example, the first version of the standard is 1.00. The first revision was 1.01. The
current version is 2.00, and the next revision will be 2.01. The group agreed also that
the “.00” is optional when referring to the initial major version. For example, Version 1
and Version 1.00 represent the same version. Finally, as was noted above, changes
that break backward compatibility must be introduced in a new major version.
Otherwise, it may be assumed that, within a single major version, various revisions are
compatible. This means that new data elements introduced in a minor revision may not
mandatory since earlier versions would not know of their existence. Obviously,
functionality that depends on new data elements would not be available in a system
using an earlier revision, but the two systems should be able to interoperate with
respect to existing functionality.
NCIP Test Bed and Presentations with Live Demonstrations
Gray suggested that is should be possible to create a simple web page that allows
NCIP requests to be pasted as text into a field and sent to a responder. The
responderʼs response could be displayed as text in another field. This would allow an
implementer to manually verify that the message was actually exchanged and that the
response was formatted as expected. Bodfish said that this would be a good start, but
he was hoping that we could do more. The ISO-ILL “bake-off” is something that
continues to come up around this topic. Something where the customers present the
various systems (rather than having vendors demonstrating) would be even more
powerful. Campbell said that customers who are considering purchasing, though,
probably want to deal with the vendors rather than other customers.
Walsh asked whether anyone has any concerns over this being a one-time event rather
than something that would be continuously available. Bodfish said that IndexData has a
way to execute a variety of Z39.50 requests and verify that they were executed properly.
6 of 26Wetzel suggested that we consider organizing an event at next yearʼs ALA (annual) to
demonstrate the functionality available through the core message set. Campbell
suggested that such an event would be a good way to follow up this yearʼs LITA
presentation at next yearʼs LITA conference. Iddings noted, though, that ALA may be
better because it has a broader audience. However, Campbell said, LITA has fewer
events that compete for peopleʼs time. Wetzel suggested that we might do some kind of
general promotion at ALA and follow if up with live demos at LITA.
Gray indicated that the protocol is not something that can be demonstrated effectively.
“Thereʼs nothing more boring that watching a demo intended to illustrate the use of a
protocol,” he said. Iddings added that the issue isnʼt that people donʼt believe that
NCIP works. “It is more about what it means to be ʻcompatibleʼ or ʻcompliant,ʼ he said.
“A demo is simply proof that you can interoperate.”
The group agreed to revisit the idea of events at next yearʼs ALA and LITA conferences
during a future conference call.
PALCIʼs Move to NCIP
Campbell asked Iddings what the “ah-ha” moment was for PALCI members who were
reluctant to move to NCIP. Iddings said that the move from URSA to Relais and a
desire to move away from Telnet screen scraping were the primary motivators.
Campbell asked when the staff realized that doing things with NCIP was better than
doing them without. Iddings said that they were able to do the same tasks before NCIP,
but the implementations based on Telnet were more fragile.
Bodfish noted that there may be three different issues related to demonstrate
interoperability that need to be addressed separately:
* Not enough implementations to demonstrate interoperability
* Not enough push from libraries to force implementations
* Vendors not doing enough; high barriers to entry (possibly partially addressed with
core messages)
Brown said that this discussion often rambles because we donʼt do enough when we
leave the meetings. “Much of the real work needs to be done back in the offices.”
Wetzel suggested that scheduling live promotions might encourage people to follow
through. Iddings added that the LAMA/RUSA STARS forum at this summerʼs ALA had
an impact on many of the directors from his member institutions. “They came back
excited about what they heard discussed in that session.”
NCIP Compliance
Walsh asked what it means to be “compliant.” Wetzel said that, in the standard,
compliance is the ability to exchange at least one message with at least one partner.
Brown asked whether it is important in the marketplace to be able to assert compliance.
7 of 26Bodfish said that it is a basic question that enables us to have another conversation.
Campbell said that, from the standpoint of an RFP, there should be a series of
*“Do you do NCIP?”
*“With whom do you do NCIP?”
*“Is your implementation available now?”
*“If I want something that you canʼt do now, what will it cost me to get it?”
She added that compliance as it is currently defined is not really relevant because it
doesnʼt answer those questions.
Bodfish said that NCIP may not be necessary in order to accomplish a task. If the
question is “Can I do resource sharing between system A and system B?” then I might
not need NCIP. However, if the question requires that I do NCIP, then I must answer
differently. Walsh asked why it matters whether NCIP is involved if the overall outcome
can be achieved. Bodfish said that there might be an expectation that, if NCIP is used
today to perform the task, then future functionality through NCIP should be available at
a lower cost. Wetzel suggested that we consider the definition of “compliance” in a
future revision of the standard. Walsh said that we would need either a better, more
commonly accepted definition or we need to educate the community to stop asking for
“NCIP compliance” in RFPs. Bodfish said we should focus on the latter. “We need to
educate people to be specific about their needs. You need to specify what system you
have (and not ʻOCLCʼ but ʻWorldCat,ʼ for example), with whom you wish to exchange,
and what particular task or workflow you want to perform.”
Boettcher said that, in the end, this doesnʼt guaranty compatibility and interoperability
because of the various options that are inherent in the protocol itself. Dicus asked
whether there is a notion of “universal compliance.” Bodfish said that, with infinite time
and resources, yes. Otherwise, it seems optimistic. Campbell asked whether “Are you
compliant?” is a relevant question in an RFP. Dicus said that he feels it is relevant but
not sufficient. “You need to know a lot more information before you know whether any
two systems are interoperable,” he continued. “I donʼt imagine a point in the future
where a simple ʻYes/Noʼ to ʻAre you compliant?ʼ is enough.” Bodfish said that the RFP
needs to ask with what systems can you exchange, through what messages, and using
what versions. Boettcher suggested that we should target educational efforts at
consultants who provide assistance to libraries during the RFP processes.
Bodfish and Gray volunteered to review and revise the existing RFP guidelines with an
intent to target consultants and to provide suggestions for how to ask questions that will
provide useful and meaningful responses. Walsh suggested that Koppel has often
expressed an interest in working on this document and that he should have the
opportunity to participate in this effort.
Cambell and Brown volunteered to create a chart for implementers to use to indicate
which core messages they support, with whom they are exchanging each message,
8 of 26what versions are supported, and what role is played. Jackson was included in this
effort since she has worked with Campbell and Brown on similar efforts in the past.
Recall Item
The group discussed whether Recall Item belongs as part of the core message set.
When the core message set was defined in the April 2009 meeting, 8 of the core
messages were identified by the number of implementations that used them. However,
Recall Item was not widely implemented, and no one in the group could remember what
justification was provided for including it in the core. Many in the group felt that Recall
Item is not as generally useful as the other 8 messages, and some have
implementations that include all the messages in the core except for Recall Item.
The group reviewed other messages in the core set in an attempt to determine if any
presented the same challenges as Recall Item. Gray indicated that Accept Item can
sometimes be tricky because it may either represent simple item information or a more
complex request that requires several steps to complete. Iddings asked whether
Renew Item supports the ability to have a patron make the renew request in the system
from whom the patron picked up the material even though that may not be the system
that owns the item, particularly in the context of ILL. The consensus of the group was
that systems can and do support this functionality with Renew Item.
Wednesday, September 23
Review Position on Core Profiles
Walsh asked the group to review the discussion on Core Profiles and decide whether
more time and effort should be invested in them. Brown said that she wasnʼt sure they
will help much. “They may not get us what we hope to achieve,” she said. “We want a
consensus on the details of message exchange, but thereʼs too much variation in those
details to make a profile userful.” Wetzel asked how profiles are being used now.
Bodfish said that there are no Core Profiles today. “We use Application Profiles to
describe how our applications use NCIP.” Brown added that to try to generalize the
Application Profiles seems like a daunting task since we continue to run into variations
very early in those discussions.
Bodfish suggested that the goal of a Core Profile should be to help new implementers
discover what they should do. However, he continued, it would not be one profile for all
ways to do resource sharing. Instead, it might be a set of practices that describe in
general terms how to perform high level tasks: this is how to do a hold, here are ways to
do something else. Maybe instead of Core Profiles, a set of recommended practices
might be a better goal. Campbell said that Application Profiles seem to address the
needs of the developers. “A recommended practices document,” she said, “would be at
a higher level and aimed at those who may not understand the nuts and the bolts.”
Bodfish agreed that they would be more like educational tools. Brown suggested, then,
that they would need to be called something different. Campbell compared this new
9 of 26type of document to the “Roadmap to NCIP.” Bodfish said that, different from the
Roadmap, though, this document should address specific tasks like resource sharing
and self-service circulation and define how they are done in NCIP.
Wetzel suggested that we might need one document to address the needs of the
customer and another to address the needs of new implementers. Campbell said that
the document for customers should be written such that a library administrator will
understand it. “This might be a good way to explain how the core message set came
into being. Why those messages and how are they used to deliver 80% of the
functionality necessary,” she said. Bodfish asked what such a document (or pair of
documents) will do for the NCIP standard. “Will it bring more customers, attract more
implementers, or allow customers to be more effective in selecting solutions that work to
address their needs?” he said.
Campbell noted that some of the existing documentation (and NCIP itself) sometimes
seems too opaque. “People donʼt know why they want or need it. They are told they
need it because it exists,” she said. “Something explains what NCIP is and how it can
be used would help to educate. I go back to the Roadmap - maybe that isnʼt the right
title, but something with similar content that explains what, why, and how could be
Bodfish suggested that the appropriate title might be “Getting Started with NCIP.” He
indicated that it would explain how resource sharing and self-service work and where to
go to get more information and assistance. Iddings said that the document should
include the list of core messages since that helps to show why it isnʼt necessary to
implement 45 message pairs in order to make NCIP effective. Bodfish said that we will
need to be careful that the document does not suggest, for example, that there is only
one way to build a resource sharing application. “Using a brokered application to initiate
recall item, for example, doesnʼt make sense,” he continued. “The patron is not going to
use the interface of the broker to recall an item.” Walsh asked whether this might be a
“recipes” style of document. Bodfish said that those documents often fail to provide any
narrative or cohesive story that explains what they are trying to accomplish. “This
needs to be something that gives a customer enough information to have an intelligent
and effective conversation with a vendor,” he said.
Bodfish volunteered to draft a very early, very thin document that demonstrates the type
of content and style he feels is appropriate for this effort. He plans to focus on resource
sharing. Walsh agreed to do take Bodfishʼs draft and do the same for self-service. The
goal is to be able to publish these documents at next yearʼs ALA Midwinter conference.
The group further defined a goal statement and a set of objectives and other information
to guide these efforts:
Goal: To prepare a document that gives a customer enough information to select a
product that delivers on his or her goals and objectives for a specific functional area
(resource sharing, self-service, etc.)
10 of 26Objectives:
* Provide an overview of resource sharing (or other functional area)
* Describe how to think about NCIP
* Describe how the protocol helps to achieve the goals
*Identify where variations may complicate the issues
*Identify what other sorts of complexity might arise
* Outline the importance of communicating and discussing issues in detail with
* Explain the significance of NCIP roles
*Identify some of the things that NCIP does not do so that customers will have
reasonable expectations about what manual or external processes may still be
* Encourage customers to review the RFP Guidelines
Target Audience:
* Primary - customers wanting to select a system that uses NCIP to accomplish a
desired task
* This includes consultants who aid in this process
* Secondary - new implementers wanting to develop NCIP systems
* To consultants who help libraries select products
* To product managers at implementers who develop NCIP systems
* To libraries who might be thinking about selecting a product that uses NCIP
Theory of Use:
* Customer reviews the document
* Customer goes to the NCIP website to determine what support exists from current
vendors (using an “Implementer Discovery” chart)
* Customer reads the RFP Guidelines and prepares the RFP
* Customer sends the RFP to potential vendors
* Customer reviews Application Profiles for specific vendors and functions desired in the
system being considered
* Customer discusses details with implementers
Expanding the NCIP Implementers Group
Iddings asked who else should be part of this group. He suggested possibly reaching
out to open source vendors, eXtensible Catalog (xC) project members, LibraryThing,
Overdrive, IndexData, and CybraryN. Bodfish about the strategies we should use to
attract these other vendors. “With some,” he said, “weʼve already tried and weʼve not
been successful. Are we trying wrong, or are they really not interested in being part of
this group?” Boettcher said that some may perceive this to be an open and
implementable standard that does not require any level of involvement or participation
with the body who maintains it. One does not, for example, join the w3c in order to
send HTML. Wetzel said that there is a difference between joining the group and
11 of 26interacting with the group. “Perhaps,” she said, “we should encourage a level of
interaction short of full membership.” Bodfish suggested that, in that context, we may
have already been successful with people like Overdrive and IndexData. They are
getting the information they need to do what they want. Maybe we should encourage
vendors to designate a contact person. That would help us keep them informed. In
addition, we should encourage them to let us know of their implementations and their
Implementer Discovery and Status Reports
Gray asked how implementers keep their status information up to date. Walsh said that
implementers should send any updates to him, and he will make the necessary changes
to the appropriate section of the website. He added, though, that this does not make it
easy for us to learn about people who are implementing but who are not part of this
group. Wetzel suggested that we create an on-line form that anyone could complete to
report on their implementations. Iddings suggested that a Facebook presence might
attract more people. Wetzel said that we need something aimed at implementers that
describes what we would like for them to do to help keep us informed of their efforts.
Bodfish added that we should reach out to those whom we even think have an
implementation and make it easy for them to provide us with helpful information.
Core Message Implementations
Brown passed around a form for each implementer to complete to indicate which core
messages are supported. She explained that this is a start of what she and Campbell
are working on for identifying what support each implementer has in various products.
The group spent a few minutes completing the forms and returned them to Brown.
Enhancement Requests
Bodfish indicated that OCLC would like to be able to send multiple item ids as
alternative ways to identify an item. The group reviewed comments that OCLC included
with their vote on Version 2.
Request Item does not allow a combination of Bibliographic Id and Item Id, and it
does not allow either to be repeated.
Walsh said that, in the past, we have identified a potential for ambiguity where the
message could be construed to mean either ANY of the item ids or ALL of them.
Bodfish suggested that there might be a need for a flag that designates which rule we
want to the responder to apply. Gray said that these changes might have a large
potential impact since many messages might ultimately have this ANY OF capability.
Bodfish said that OCLCʼs request is specific to Request Item. “In other cases (like
Accept Item), the item has already been uniquely identified and a single, known id is
available,” he said. “I think we need to find a community of users who are interested in
12 of 26this kind of request and see if the details can be fleshed out.” Walsh indicated that
Wanner has expressed an interest in similar functionality in the past.
Bodfish introduced a second request, also from OCLCʼs vote on Version 2.
Bibliographic Record Id is not repeatable in Bibliographic Description of Accept
Item. Why canʼt an initiator send an OCLC number and an LCCN if it has both
for the record?
Bodfish explained that OCLC wants to share all the information that it has about an
item, possibly as an aid to collection development efforts. He said that there is no
expectation that the information will become part of any public records or indices.
Bodfish agreed to have off-line conversations with interested persons, to draft an
enhancement request, and to submit it in the future for consideration by the group.
Changes that were Dropped as part of the Version 2 Efforts
Bodfish reminded the group that there were changes that we wanted to incorporate in
Version 2, but, due to constraints imposed during the final editing phase, we were not
able to do so. Walsh agreed to review various notes from that period and compile a list
of items that were dropped.
Review Core Workflows
Wanner said that she was expecting the Core Workflows to be an educational piece that
allows customers to outline what they want to accomplish. Further, she said she thinks
those documents should be something implementers could use to identify what
messages (and what data elements) they support. “As a vendor,” she said, “if I knew
what other implementers support which messages and services, then I know how I can
interoperate with them without having to read lengthy vendor profiles.” Walsh said that
sounded similar to the chart Campbell and Brown agreed to create. Bodfish suggested
that we could add some data to the chart to identify the specific data elements that are
supported. Campbell said that the existing Application Profiles might be more
maintainable if the sections that describe the messages and data elements used could
be linked to the chart in some sort of data driven fashion. Wetzel asked if it would be
practical to make the entire profile into a dynamic electronic document rather than a
static PDF. Bodfish said that there are several sections, though, that require lengthy
text elements, and those may not lend themselves to electronic delivery. Most in the
group agreed that pushing to get the data-specific portions into an on-line and electronic
form is reasonable. Trying to put the text section in the same form, though, may be
Wanner suggested that we need some kind of form that vendors could fill in to indicate
which messages and data elements are supported. “Many programmers,” she said,
“tend to ignore the more verbose text sections and focus solely on the messages, data
13 of 26elements, and state tables.” Gray said that we need to keep Version 1 and Version 2
information separate with respect to support for various messages. “It needs to be
clear,” he said, “whether a responder is supporting only one or both versions.” Walsh
asked if the form Brown and Campbell are designing could be expanded to include this
information. Bodfish said that, given the depth of the schema, trying to create a form
that replicates that depth may be challenging. Wanner suggested that we start with the
messages and the top-level data elements. Gray agreed that, if we take care to identify
the “gotchas,” then such an approach seems reasonable. Wanner said that it is often
easier to steer programmers to something that is complete rather than pointing them at
separate, incomplete documents. She volunteered to extend the form Brown and
Campbell are preparing and provide something that takes the information to the next
level of detail. Gray agreed to assist by addressing the responder side of resource
sharing, and Boettcher agreed to undertake a similar effort for self-service. Bodfish
recommended that Wanner, Gray, and Boettcher make note of areas where they see
potential implementation challenges as they compiles the information.
LITA Presentation Review
Wanner, Campbell, and Brown provided a preview of the presentation scheduled to be
given at this yearʼs LITA conference (October 2, 2009). The group provided feedback
and suggested changes.
Review Plans for Next ALA and LITA
Walsh provided a brief summary of the discussion around the NCIP test bed and the
idea about having a live demonstration or “bake-off” style session. He explained that,
because of various technical challenges with an always-available test bed, the group
had focused an idea to have an educational session at ALA, followed by a “bake-off”
style demonstration at LITA. Wanner expressed a concern that many in the ILL
community do not attend LITA. Walsh suggested that we could plan the sessions so
that the ALA presentation could be aimed at those interested in ILL with the hopes that
they would encourage the more technical people in their organizations to attend the
demonstration at LITA. Wanner suggested that we should consider holding an event at
a future resource sharing forum.
The group then revisited the idea of a test bed. Ultimately, the group reached the
conclusion that, in many ways, an accessible test bed is as much or more work than the
current approach we use to facilitate implementer-to-implementer testing.
Demonstration of Prototype for Capturing Implementer Message Exchange
Gray demonstrated a sample XML format for capturing, analyzing, and reporting the
structure of NCIP messages exchanged between implementers. The goal of such a
system would be to provide a foundation or database of information that might be used
with the implementer registry. The group identified significant potential in this sort of
approach, particularly as a fairly easy way to document sample messages that are
14 of 26exchanged under certain circumstances. The group discussed some of the challenges
and caveats. Wanner indicated that, while this seems like a very useful approach, there
may still be a need to wade through the various samples and locate similarities and
differences between the same messages exchanged between different partners.
Bodfish said that he has a stylesheet that will go through XML messages and generate
a spreadsheet to analyze sets of messages against which it is run. It could be used to
generate a display that shows which products send which messages with what data
Gray volunteered to continue work on the prototype, providing appropriate annotations
where they are necessary. Bodfish stressed the importance of protecting patron
confidentiality and privacy, and he strongly suggested that each vendor provide samples
with “clean” data. Boettcher showed a document 3M sends to other implementers
outlining the messages sent and the expected responses. The document includes
actual XML samples, and Boettcher indicated that it would not be hard to extract
portions and put them into the format Gray demonstrated.
Thursday, September 24
Update on Recall Item
Walsh read a message Jackson sent in response to an inquiry about the reasons why
Recall Item is in the core message set. Her note indicated that she does not recall the
specific details, but she does believe it is “useful to include in the core message set.”
Boettcher said that, as a self-service implementer, Recall Item is not useful. “However,”
she continued, “there are other messages that are not in the core message set that
would be beneficial.” Wanner asked whether we should work toward a core set
specifically for self-service in addition to the current core set which may be more aimed
at resource sharing. Boettcher said that she believes that we should continue to
promote the core set as it is, then encourage implementers to support an additional 5 or
so messages that provide extra functionality (fines payment, undo checkout, etc.).
OʼBrien suggested that we make a point to revisit Recall Item and try to better
understand why it is part of the core message set. This discussion should take place at
a time when Jackson and Stewart can participate since they were the ones who lobbied
for its inclusion at the April 2009 meeting. Walsh and Bodfish each agreed that an item
should be placed on the agenda for the next conference call.
Campbell said that, if we leave Recall Item in the core, but the Implementers Group
generally feels that it is unnecessary, then we may be back to where we were before the
core message set was defined. If a library administrator specifies support for the core
set, but he or she gets support for fewer than all 9 messages, then he or she is likely to
be frustrated.
The group discussed the idea of defining a second set of additionally useful messages
that provide functionality over and above what is available with the core set.
15 of 26Bodfish said that part of the problem is that we donʼt have a clear and agreed upon
definition of what the core message set is. We might decide that other messages in the
core are not necessary to provide 80% of the labor saving benefits of NCIP. Cancel
Request, Renew Item, and Lookup Item, for example, may not truly be necessary to
achieve a level of automation that provides real benefit.
Gray asked whether an implementer with support for 8 messages would need to add
support for the 9th in order to say “We support the core message set.” In his specific
case, there is no functionality that requires support for Recall Item. He could implement
a response, but the response would always indicate that the Recall Item request could
not be processed. Campbell suggested that the core message set could be defined as
8 messages for use in public environments where Recall Item is rarely or never used
and 9 messages in academic environments where Recall Item may be both useful and
required. OʼBrien noted that the point of the core message set was to define a minimal
implementation. “It was not meant,” he added, “to be 9 messages plus or minus one.”
The group continued discussing this point and concluded that, for the core message set
to be useful for defining a minimal implementation, saying “Yes, I support the core
message set” means that support is available for all the messages in the core. In the
context of an RFP, this might mean answering a question like “Do you support the NCIP
core message set?” with one of the following responses:
*“Yes, we support all the messages in the core message set except for Recall Item
because Recall Item is not necessary in the context of our application.”
*“No, we do not support all the messages in the core message set because Recall Item
is not necessary in the context of our application.”
The group discussed the differences between how a responder uses the core message
set and how an initiator uses it. OʼBrien and Bodfish suggested that it should be
possible for an initiator to claim support for the core set if all the messages necessary to
perform the tasks the initiator can perform come from the core set. In other words, if an
initiator who does checkout item uses the NCIP Checkout Item message, then the
initiator supports the core set. This helps to address the situations where self-service
applications may never need to support messages like Accept Item. Responders,
though, need to support all of the messages in the core.
The group agreed that further discussions are necessary, both to address how initiators
may be able to claim support for the core message set and to revisit the composition of
the core message set itself.
16 of 26Conference Call with Members of the eXtensible Catalog (xC) Project
Present on the call:
Jennifer Bowen
Randy Cook
David Lindahl
??? [Editorʼs note: I did not catch the name of the third participant from xC]
Dan Iddings
Bowen summarized the work of the xC project. “We are developing open source
software for libraries under various Mellon grants,” she said. She further explained that
they are developing a suite of applications that may be used separately or together.
The applications can harvest data, normalize it, aggregate it, and provide a UI built on
Drupal so that libraries have the option to implement their own OPAC. There are four
different toolkits: OEI, Metadata Services, Drupal front-end, and NCIP toolkit. The
NCIP toolkit provides an interface to the ILS patron database, primarily for user lookup
and account information. They are working to provide some circulation functionality,
primarily for C-ILL. They will have some web services that provide other functions. In
order to use the NCIP toolkit, a customer need ILS-specific software (called drivers),
and there are xC partners who are building those components. They provide extensive
documentation that enables Java developers to build these ILS-specific drivers. They
hope to be able to share the drivers with other customers via the xC website. They
implemented only a subset of the NCIP protocol. They meet level three of the ILS-DI
task force requirements, and they have defined some additional messages to provide
additional functionality (xcGetAvailability to get circulation status for a screenful of items
and xcLookupUser to get patron information needed for ILS-DI but not exposed via
NCIP). Other extensions to NCIP include improved error reporting (available in “loose
mode”; strict mode uses only what is available within the NCIP standard). The NCIP
toolkit is available via Google Code, and it includes sample Voyager and Aleph drivers.
Cornell has added support for four additional NCIP messages in order to provide
functionality specifically for their own environment. Ultimately, the level of support for
the various messages depends on what data and services are available from the
backend system.
Bodfish said that he has downloaded the code and was very impressed. “You should be
proud of what you have accomplished,” he said. He asked the xC members what the
NCIP IG can do to help make some of the extensions part of the standard. The xC
group explained that they did not know what the process is for requesting changes, but
the functionality that they added was necessary and were considered to be showstoppers. Further, they found the error reporting facilities built into the standard to be
insufficient for their purposes. Bodfish indicated that we will be moving to a process for
continuous maintenance, and that will permit us to accommodate enhancements more
frequently than on a five year cycle. Bowen volunteered to compile the various
extensions the xC project has implemented, including some information about why they
were needed and a specific contact person, and send those to the NCIP IG.
17 of 26Wanner indicated that we would be interested in having a representative from the xC
project as part of the NCIP IG, and we are interested in future collaboration, either inperson or by phone. Bowen said that they will keep that in mind for the future. What
they are doing is working well for them right now. Wetzel suggested that they might
want to subscribe to the NCIP community interest list.
A member of the xC project asked whether the NCIP IG tracked other open source
NCIP projects. Bodfish said that we try to keep track, and we have heard that both
Koha and Evergreen may be doing open source NCIP, but we havenʼt seen anything.
“They are partners with us, and we think they are using our toolkit,” replied the xC.
The xC project asked about the availability of a tool that would permit them to validate
that their NCIP is correct. OʼBrien asked whether the project uses any tools to parse
the schema and generate Java code from it. “This helps to ensure that the messages
conform to the schema,” he said. The xC, though, is interested in more than just simple
message conformance. “We want a sample or test client that ensures that the entire
NCIP conversation is handled correctly.” Bodfish said that all we have now are
recommendations for tools that will help to ensure the messages are built properly. “I
canʼt imagine a more important missing piece,” responded the xC. Wanner said that,
today, most of that testing is performed between specific implementers. Wetzel added
that, although weʼve talked about a test bed, weʼre finding it to be a very difficult
undertaking. “Weʼre thinking now that it might be more practical to encourage vendors
to make test systems public,” she said. Wanner suggested that there are probably
several implementers who would be willing to test with the xC project. Bowen agreed to
send Wanner some information that would allow initiators to test with the xC responder.
Bodfish suggested that we add something to the NCIP website that allows implementers
to find potential testing partners.
The xC asked if the NCIP IG would be able to help them find partners for developing
drivers for additional ILS systems. Bowen added that they are specifically interested in
support for SirsiDynix. Iddings said that there are members within PALCI using Unicorn
and Symphony who might be willing to collaborate. Bowen also indicated that, while
they have a partner using III with Orcale, they are interested in finding a III site using the
non-Oracle version.
OʼBrien asked what version of NCIP the xC project is using. Version 1 was the
Walsh asked how the developers who are building the ILS-specific drivers are getting
the necessary technical information. The xC project indicated that the Voyager
implementation uses a combination of direct calls to the database and, only when
necessary, screen scraping. “We hope to upgrade our interfaces as ILS vendors
provide more standard ways to access the systems.” They added, too, that their
documentation provides a good guide for how to write drivers for additional ILS.
Wanner asked if they will rely on the open source community to provide updates as
18 of 26necessary to accommodate ILS updates and changes. “Yes, we feel that the
community will continue to adapt and provide support for ILS changes.”
The groups thanked each other for participating on the call and agreed to exchange
information that will allow us to keep each other informed of future progress and
Bodfish said that it seems that we can help them and others like them if we make sure
they know about out conference calls and meetings, help them find testing partners,
clarify the defect reporting and enhancement request processes, and educate them
about the various development tools that are available. Wanner added that the xC
project underscored the challenges associated with testing implementations. Bodfish
said that may mean that it is valuable to do a simple website tool like Gray suggested
where XML messages could be pasted and sent and responses received and reviewed,
just to ensure that the conversation occurred properly.
Social Event at ALA 2010
Wanner asked if we want to organize another social event at a future ALA. Boettcher
asked how successful the last one was. Walsh replied that it was not particularly well
attended. Bodfish added that we failed to attract anyone from the target audience:
librarians. Wanner suggested that it might require us to establish a pattern at both
midwinter and annual in order for the event to be successful. “We didnʼt do enough
promotion,” she added. Campbell said that it definitely needs to be promoted earlier
and on the list serves that librarians use. Wanner asked whether it would be more
successful if it were sponsored. Campbell said that she doesnʼt believe that makes a
very big difference. She suggested that the Next Generation Catalog for Libraries
(NGC4LIB) list serve would be a good place to promote, as would the LITA-L list serve.
Bodfish suggested Code4Lib. Wanner said that we could probably get the LAMA/
RUSA group to post something.
Wanner then asked about organizing an educational session at ALA, and she suggested
that we discuss it in a future conference call. Wetzel indicated that we have until April
before we would need to book a room with ALA. She then asked whether we should
begin planning an event a LITA 2010. Wanner suggested that we revisit the idea after
this yearʼs LITA conference is complete.
Next Meeting
Wanner asked where we should hold our next meeting. Walsh reminded the group that
the other two sites that had offered to host this one were Ottawa (Relais) and
Baltimore / Washington, D.C. (NISO). Gray reported that he was investigating whether
Polaris would host. Wanner indicated that would be very convenient for doing
something with the eXtensible Catalog project. OʼBrien offered that OCLC would host
again. The group agreed to wait until Gray had information from Polaris before making
a decision.
19 of 26Implementation Profile for using REST
Bodfish indicated that OCLC is interested in working on a new NCIP Implementation
Profile that would use REST over HTTP. The Jangle project ( and seems to be a
step in this direction. Gray asked whether REST is secure. Bodfish said that it can be
delivered via HTTPS. Wanner asked if the idea is to require support for REST or to
simply make it possible to use REST. Bodfish indicated that it could be added to the list
of supported transports, or it could be incorporated into a new Implementation Profile.
Implementers would be able to choose whether to support REST either in addition to or
in place of currently supported transports. Bodfish said that OCLC believes this to be a
good idea because there are many tools available to facilitate REST. Also, just like
HTTP, REST is better understood by firewalls and by network administrators. It is
sometimes better handled by routers. It is not likely to make any existing
implementations easier. Instead, it would be more difficult since implementers would
have to add support for a new transport. However, it might make implementation less
objectionable to some customers and new implementers. Bodfish added that some
tools may be able to generate code to support REST and the current transports at the
same time. Wanner suggested that we might encourage implementers to use REST
with Version 2.
Bodfish agreed that OCLC will draft something like a proposal when they are ready to
move forward and post it to the list so that it can be discussed in a subsequent
conference call.
Wanner asked if there were any other new business items for discussion. Hearing none
offered, she adjourned the meeting.
20 of 26Appendix A - Action Items
What Who By When
Publish Continuous Maintenance
Walsh After ANSI approval
Discuss possible ALA and LITA
Group October conference
Revise RFP Guidelines Bodfish, Gray,
ALA Midwinter 2010
Prepare chart for implementers to
indicate which core messages are
implemented with which partners;
include version supported and
NCIP role
Jackson, Brown
Prepare a very rough draft of a
“Getting Started with NCIP”
document focused on resource
Bodfish Oct 9, 2009
Prepare a “Getting Started with
NCIP” document focused on selfservice
Walsh Dec 7, 2009
Prepare finished versions of “Getting
Started with NCIP”
TBD ALA Midwinter 2010
Review notes from Version 2 editing
phase and compile list of changes
that were dropped in order to
determine if any need to be
resubmitted as enhancement
Walsh November
conference call
Extend the core messages support
chart to add detail about data
Wanner, Gray
Boettcher (selfservice)
21 of 26What Who By When
Extend the message analysis
prototype in an effort to build a
system for identifying which systems
send what messages with what data
Gray TBD
Discuss Recall Item and whether it
belongs in the core message set
Group October conference
Select the site for the spring meeting Group October conference
22 of 26Appendix B - Photos of Flip Charts Used During the Meeting
23 of 2624 of 2625 of 2626 of 26
Minutes - In Person Meeting
September 22-24, 2009
Sue Boettcher - 3M
Susan Campbell - College Center for Library Automation (CCLA)
Rob Walsh - EnvisionWare (NCIP Maintenance Agency)
Mike Dicus - Ex Libris
Lynne Branche Brown - Innovative Interfaces (Tuesday, Wednesday only)
Karen Wetzel - NISO
John Bodfish - OCLC
Rob Corcuera - OCLC (Tuesday, Wednesday only)
Tony OʼBrien - OCLC (Thursday only)
Dan Iddings - PALCI (Tuesday, Wednesday only)
Rob Gray - Polaris
Gail Wanner - SirsiDynix (Chair; Wednesday, Thursday only)
DJ Miller - TLC
Minutes prepared and submitted by:
Rob Walsh, EnvisionWare / NCIP Maintenance Agency
Tuesday, September 22
Implementation Status Updates
Walsh, in Wannerʼs absence, opened the meeting and asked each attendee to provide
a brief implementation status update.
* Polaris
* doing NCIP with 3M using a self-service model
* has tight integration with SirsiDynix URSA that has progressed over the past
*looking to do more integration with Ex Libris and III in an ILL environment
* has some unique customers who want NCIP due to the security provided
through HTTPS
* using NCIP with CybraryN and Overdrive
* all implementations are responders, and all are based on NCIP Version 1
* has some prototype code written for NCIP Version 2
* have recently begun revisiting some older NCIP code
*testing with Auto-Graphics for a possible release in a few weeks
* have done some work with SirsiDynix for ILL
*implementation is a responder and is based on Version 1
1 of 26* OCLC
* has no concrete plans for Version 2
* has a number of products that act as initiators in ILL context
* working with Horizon, Unicorn, Symphony and Aleph in production
* working with Voyager (possibly in production)
* planning to work with Polaris and TLC
* 3M
*implemented Version 1 some time ago and have made no changes
* exchanging with Polaris and have some European implementations
* waiting for other people to support NCIP
* have no plans to implement Version 2 until more vendors support it
* Ex Libris
* Aleph and Voyager have responders
* both Aleph and Voyager are working with URSA and exchanging some
messages with Relais
* all implementations are Version 1
* do not yet perceive a market need for Version 2
* using NCIP Version 1 at two or three Voyager sites and 7 or 8 SirsiDynix sites
(with Unicorn and Symphony)
* migrating away from URSA and replacing with Relais
* working also with TLC
* has required all sites to be NCIP compliant as part of the URSA-to-Relais
* has encouraged III to develop an NCIP responder
Bodfish noted that OCLC has many consortia, and getting NCIP adopted across a
consortia with multiple vendors can be quite challenging. He asked Iddings what
compelling arguments convinced his vendors to implement. Iddings said that security
was a big part of the decision. Telnet screen scraping is both insecure and difficult to
implemet. Some campuses have shut down Telnet access on the local networks. He
said that, originally, the prices quoted for NCIP implementations were very expensive.
Everyone, though, has made it affordable. What has been surprising, he said, is that
each vendor seems to have a unique NCIP version for talking with Relais that is
different from what is used to talk to SirsiDynix. Bodfish explained that this is due in
part to the huge variety and the many options that exist in ILS. Iddings asked how he
can be confident that the new implementations will work. Bodfish replied that it requires
testing. However, he added, we can attempt to fix the core profiles and that will bring us
closer to having an expectation that two vendors can seamlessly interoperate. Gray
said that expectations around how reserves are handled can create confusion. “When
the reserve is placed or a book comes in that we are not expecting, are we to
automatically create a record, or will the ILL system tell us to create the reserve? We
have to implement different business rules with our NCIP implementations to integrate
with different vendors.” Bodfish said that we need to surface these issues as we work
through the core profiles. Iddings added that there are differences not just within the
2 of 26various systems, but with library policies as well. Bodfish concluded that there needs to
be some common understanding about what happens within the various systems that
goes beyond the messages themselves.
Wetzel stressed the importance of working to address Version 2. “We cannot continue
to maintain Version 1,” she said. Bodfish asked her to clarify whether she meant that
Version 1 should no longer be used or whether the efforts of the Implementers Group
should be focused primarily on Version 2. All existing implementations are Version 1,
and they will continue to exist for some time. Wetzel explained that NISO feels that new
efforts should be focused on Version 2, and implementers should be encouraged to
develop support for Version 2. Iddings added that PALCI expects all of its
implementations to be at Version 2 when the migration to Relais is complete. Brown
said that the NCIP responder that Innovative Interfaces is working with PALCI to
develop will be based on Version 2.
New Website
Walsh presented a new NCIP website that represents efforts to migrate existing
information from the current website and to better integrate information that is housed at
various NISO resources. The new website may be found at The
existing website may be accessed via, and the new site
has several links back to the older site. Those links will remain until all the information
from the older site is migrated.
The new site is based on Drupal, and it will allow the information to be more easily
updated. Further, content in the new site is directly linkable. In the older site, only the
main page was accessible directly.
Bodfish asked whether the content of the new site was arranged such that, when
EnvisionWare vacates the position of Maintenance Agency, the site could be easily
moved and re-hosted. Walsh explained that, in theory, that would be possible since it
would require moving the Drupal database to a another Drupal installation.
Core Profiles
After a brief review of the Agenda, the group began a discussion of Core Profiles.
Bodfish asked “What are they and what are they meant to accomplish?” Walsh said
that one of the goals was to build a high level set of documents focused on tasks rather
than specific details. Bodfish emphasized that there will remain, though, a need for the
low level details that enable on system to talk with another.
The group divided into two smaller groups, one focused on brokered DCB and another
focused on self-service. The goal for each group was to identify the core tasks and
functions that occur in each workflow in order to determine when specific
implementations begin to diverge.
3 of 26The small groups reunited and reviewed the work each had done. Bodfish summarized
the discussions from the DCB working group. They discovered that there are 6 basic
steps: authenticate, request, fill, return, and complete. [Editorʼs notes: clearly I missed a
step since I have only 5.] However, even at the highest level, this is much variation.
Campbell asked whether the discussions really were at the highest level, or were they
focused at a level with too much detail. Iddings said that at PALCI, there is much
variability in library policy and process, yet they still manage to get it done with NCIP.
Bodfish suggested that, with more time, he feels we could come up with a common
understanding. “However, it would be full of variables and options.” Walsh asked
Campbell whether, as a customer, a profile with many options would be useful.
Campbell said that would put us back where we are now. She asked why it isnʼt
possible to define a Core Profile around the 9 core messages. Bodfish said that, even
with those messages, there are options. How we identify them varies from system to
system, for example. Even when weʼve agreed on the message, there are so many
choices, and both partners in an exchange need to implement them the same way.
Using Accept Item as an example, who is supposed to notify the patron? That isnʼt
clear in the protocol. Who creates the item record? Who puts the item on hold? These
all require some interpretation of the standard, and we have to work with the other
vendor to ensure that we agree on the interpretation. Gray added that it is up to the
responder to make these decisions.
Campbell asked why vendors quote high prices when they need to expand an
implementation to interoperate with another vendor with whom they have not worked in
the past. Brown said that the problem is often a matter of not have a common
language. “Each new partner,” she said, “may require a slightly different language.”
Walsh said that he thinks of these as dialects. NCIP is the common language, but each
implementation may use a different dialect. Bodfish added that these dialects may be
as different as old and modern English. “This has created a difficult situation for
customers because we canʼt specify in an RFP enough detail to assure that two
arbitrary implementations will interoperate,” he continued. Iddings suggested that there
should be a goal to improve the process so that implementations are “plug and play.”
He reminded the group that it took a long time to get to a point where MARC records
were a commodity. Gray said that Z39.50 is the same way. Campbell asked whether
one of the goals of Version 2 was improved interoperability, possibly through the core
message set. Bodfish said he didnʼt think that was a goal of Version 2. “It is a goal of
the Implementers Group, and, while the core message set and Version 2 occurred at
about the same time, they were not aimed at the same goals.”
Campbell suggested that the question “Can you do this task?” may need to change to
“With whom can you do this task?” Gray said that, eventually, ILL implementations will
go farther than those today. Some day, it should be possible for both parties to be
initiators and responders so that the complete transaction can occur seamlessly and
automatically between the two systems. Bodfish said that there may be a higher level
with questions like “Do you do ʻtraditionalʼ ILL where one side makes a request of
another?” Brown said that an earlier effort by Wanner, Jackson, Campbell, and herself
came close to achieving what Campbell is requesting. (This document is titled
4 of 26NCIP_RS_CoreTasks_6028-2009_LBB.DOC, and it is available at
Campbell agreed and asked why so much variability exists within the standard. “If
minor changes are required in order to make two systems compatible,” she continued,
“then those changes should be modest and reasonable.”
Walsh summarized the efforts of the self-service working group. He explained that, in
many ways, self-service is simpler than resource sharing. As a result, there may be
much less variability in self-service workflows. However, some self-service
implementations may need only a single message, where others may use sequences of
messages to complete a task. For example, self-service implementations that need
only to determine whether a user is valid need only the Lookup User message.
Automated materials handling systems (sorters) may need only Checkin Item. Selfservice circulation kiosks, though, may need Checkout Item, Checkin Item, Renew Item,
Lookup User, and Lookup Item. Regardless, of the 9 core messages, it seems that only
5 are truly useful for self-service. Further there are other common self-service
functions, like paying fines (either as part of or independently from a circulation
transaction), creating or updating patron records, and making deposits to library-hosted
monetary accounts, that require messages outside the core set. Collectively, these
issues complicate the question of what it means to support the core message set.
Change / Review Process
Walsh explained that in a recent ballot, the NCIP IG had approved a move from periodic
to continuous review. ANSI still needs to officially approve the change, but Wetzel
indicated that there should be no reason why it would not be approved. Walsh
summarized the process that had been defined in the balloted documents. The group
will be able to review defects and enhancements requests twice each year. These
change requests need to be submitted in writing prior to a spring and a fall meeting.
Ideally, new items will be raised during each conference call so that members are
familiar with them prior to the meetings when they will need to be formally reviewed.
The group agreed that we should have a form on the website that people may complete
in order to submit a change request. When each item is reviewed, the group may
decide to accept it without change, accept it with modification, accept it for further study,
or reject it. (More information about the change from periodic to continuous review,
along with a description of the process, is available at
workgroup/z3983maint/download.php/2337/ContinMaintRequest_z39_83.pdf and http://
ContinMaint_Procedures_z39_83.pdf. These documents are available only to members
of the NCIP IG at this time. This information will be made available publicly once the
change is formally approved by ANSI.)
5 of 26As part of this discussion, the group identified the following criteria that will assist during
the review of each change request:
* Overall value and usefulness of the requested change
* Compatibility with current version
* Changes that break backward compatibility are reserved for major version
changes (Version 2 to Version 3, for example)
* Scope and relevance of the requested change
* Specific reasons, justifications, and use cases for the requested change
* Negative impacts associated with the requested change
* General applicability of the requested change
* Any field or trial usage of the requested change (through an extension, for example)
* A draft of changes necessary to the schema in order to support the requested change
Further, the group agreed that the versioning format for future revisions should be X.YY
where X represents the major version and YY represents the revision or minor version.
For example, the first version of the standard is 1.00. The first revision was 1.01. The
current version is 2.00, and the next revision will be 2.01. The group agreed also that
the “.00” is optional when referring to the initial major version. For example, Version 1
and Version 1.00 represent the same version. Finally, as was noted above, changes
that break backward compatibility must be introduced in a new major version.
Otherwise, it may be assumed that, within a single major version, various revisions are
compatible. This means that new data elements introduced in a minor revision may not
mandatory since earlier versions would not know of their existence. Obviously,
functionality that depends on new data elements would not be available in a system
using an earlier revision, but the two systems should be able to interoperate with
respect to existing functionality.
NCIP Test Bed and Presentations with Live Demonstrations
Gray suggested that is should be possible to create a simple web page that allows
NCIP requests to be pasted as text into a field and sent to a responder. The
responderʼs response could be displayed as text in another field. This would allow an
implementer to manually verify that the message was actually exchanged and that the
response was formatted as expected. Bodfish said that this would be a good start, but
he was hoping that we could do more. The ISO-ILL “bake-off” is something that
continues to come up around this topic. Something where the customers present the
various systems (rather than having vendors demonstrating) would be even more
powerful. Campbell said that customers who are considering purchasing, though,
probably want to deal with the vendors rather than other customers.
Walsh asked whether anyone has any concerns over this being a one-time event rather
than something that would be continuously available. Bodfish said that IndexData has a
way to execute a variety of Z39.50 requests and verify that they were executed properly.
6 of 26Wetzel suggested that we consider organizing an event at next yearʼs ALA (annual) to
demonstrate the functionality available through the core message set. Campbell
suggested that such an event would be a good way to follow up this yearʼs LITA
presentation at next yearʼs LITA conference. Iddings noted, though, that ALA may be
better because it has a broader audience. However, Campbell said, LITA has fewer
events that compete for peopleʼs time. Wetzel suggested that we might do some kind of
general promotion at ALA and follow if up with live demos at LITA.
Gray indicated that the protocol is not something that can be demonstrated effectively.
“Thereʼs nothing more boring that watching a demo intended to illustrate the use of a
protocol,” he said. Iddings added that the issue isnʼt that people donʼt believe that
NCIP works. “It is more about what it means to be ʻcompatibleʼ or ʻcompliant,ʼ he said.
“A demo is simply proof that you can interoperate.”
The group agreed to revisit the idea of events at next yearʼs ALA and LITA conferences
during a future conference call.
PALCIʼs Move to NCIP
Campbell asked Iddings what the “ah-ha” moment was for PALCI members who were
reluctant to move to NCIP. Iddings said that the move from URSA to Relais and a
desire to move away from Telnet screen scraping were the primary motivators.
Campbell asked when the staff realized that doing things with NCIP was better than
doing them without. Iddings said that they were able to do the same tasks before NCIP,
but the implementations based on Telnet were more fragile.
Bodfish noted that there may be three different issues related to demonstrate
interoperability that need to be addressed separately:
* Not enough implementations to demonstrate interoperability
* Not enough push from libraries to force implementations
* Vendors not doing enough; high barriers to entry (possibly partially addressed with
core messages)
Brown said that this discussion often rambles because we donʼt do enough when we
leave the meetings. “Much of the real work needs to be done back in the offices.”
Wetzel suggested that scheduling live promotions might encourage people to follow
through. Iddings added that the LAMA/RUSA STARS forum at this summerʼs ALA had
an impact on many of the directors from his member institutions. “They came back
excited about what they heard discussed in that session.”
NCIP Compliance
Walsh asked what it means to be “compliant.” Wetzel said that, in the standard,
compliance is the ability to exchange at least one message with at least one partner.
Brown asked whether it is important in the marketplace to be able to assert compliance.
7 of 26Bodfish said that it is a basic question that enables us to have another conversation.
Campbell said that, from the standpoint of an RFP, there should be a series of
*“Do you do NCIP?”
*“With whom do you do NCIP?”
*“Is your implementation available now?”
*“If I want something that you canʼt do now, what will it cost me to get it?”
She added that compliance as it is currently defined is not really relevant because it
doesnʼt answer those questions.
Bodfish said that NCIP may not be necessary in order to accomplish a task. If the
question is “Can I do resource sharing between system A and system B?” then I might
not need NCIP. However, if the question requires that I do NCIP, then I must answer
differently. Walsh asked why it matters whether NCIP is involved if the overall outcome
can be achieved. Bodfish said that there might be an expectation that, if NCIP is used
today to perform the task, then future functionality through NCIP should be available at
a lower cost. Wetzel suggested that we consider the definition of “compliance” in a
future revision of the standard. Walsh said that we would need either a better, more
commonly accepted definition or we need to educate the community to stop asking for
“NCIP compliance” in RFPs. Bodfish said we should focus on the latter. “We need to
educate people to be specific about their needs. You need to specify what system you
have (and not ʻOCLCʼ but ʻWorldCat,ʼ for example), with whom you wish to exchange,
and what particular task or workflow you want to perform.”
Boettcher said that, in the end, this doesnʼt guaranty compatibility and interoperability
because of the various options that are inherent in the protocol itself. Dicus asked
whether there is a notion of “universal compliance.” Bodfish said that, with infinite time
and resources, yes. Otherwise, it seems optimistic. Campbell asked whether “Are you
compliant?” is a relevant question in an RFP. Dicus said that he feels it is relevant but
not sufficient. “You need to know a lot more information before you know whether any
two systems are interoperable,” he continued. “I donʼt imagine a point in the future
where a simple ʻYes/Noʼ to ʻAre you compliant?ʼ is enough.” Bodfish said that the RFP
needs to ask with what systems can you exchange, through what messages, and using
what versions. Boettcher suggested that we should target educational efforts at
consultants who provide assistance to libraries during the RFP processes.
Bodfish and Gray volunteered to review and revise the existing RFP guidelines with an
intent to target consultants and to provide suggestions for how to ask questions that will
provide useful and meaningful responses. Walsh suggested that Koppel has often
expressed an interest in working on this document and that he should have the
opportunity to participate in this effort.
Cambell and Brown volunteered to create a chart for implementers to use to indicate
which core messages they support, with whom they are exchanging each message,
8 of 26what versions are supported, and what role is played. Jackson was included in this
effort since she has worked with Campbell and Brown on similar efforts in the past.
Recall Item
The group discussed whether Recall Item belongs as part of the core message set.
When the core message set was defined in the April 2009 meeting, 8 of the core
messages were identified by the number of implementations that used them. However,
Recall Item was not widely implemented, and no one in the group could remember what
justification was provided for including it in the core. Many in the group felt that Recall
Item is not as generally useful as the other 8 messages, and some have
implementations that include all the messages in the core except for Recall Item.
The group reviewed other messages in the core set in an attempt to determine if any
presented the same challenges as Recall Item. Gray indicated that Accept Item can
sometimes be tricky because it may either represent simple item information or a more
complex request that requires several steps to complete. Iddings asked whether
Renew Item supports the ability to have a patron make the renew request in the system
from whom the patron picked up the material even though that may not be the system
that owns the item, particularly in the context of ILL. The consensus of the group was
that systems can and do support this functionality with Renew Item.
Wednesday, September 23
Review Position on Core Profiles
Walsh asked the group to review the discussion on Core Profiles and decide whether
more time and effort should be invested in them. Brown said that she wasnʼt sure they
will help much. “They may not get us what we hope to achieve,” she said. “We want a
consensus on the details of message exchange, but thereʼs too much variation in those
details to make a profile userful.” Wetzel asked how profiles are being used now.
Bodfish said that there are no Core Profiles today. “We use Application Profiles to
describe how our applications use NCIP.” Brown added that to try to generalize the
Application Profiles seems like a daunting task since we continue to run into variations
very early in those discussions.
Bodfish suggested that the goal of a Core Profile should be to help new implementers
discover what they should do. However, he continued, it would not be one profile for all
ways to do resource sharing. Instead, it might be a set of practices that describe in
general terms how to perform high level tasks: this is how to do a hold, here are ways to
do something else. Maybe instead of Core Profiles, a set of recommended practices
might be a better goal. Campbell said that Application Profiles seem to address the
needs of the developers. “A recommended practices document,” she said, “would be at
a higher level and aimed at those who may not understand the nuts and the bolts.”
Bodfish agreed that they would be more like educational tools. Brown suggested, then,
that they would need to be called something different. Campbell compared this new
9 of 26type of document to the “Roadmap to NCIP.” Bodfish said that, different from the
Roadmap, though, this document should address specific tasks like resource sharing
and self-service circulation and define how they are done in NCIP.
Wetzel suggested that we might need one document to address the needs of the
customer and another to address the needs of new implementers. Campbell said that
the document for customers should be written such that a library administrator will
understand it. “This might be a good way to explain how the core message set came
into being. Why those messages and how are they used to deliver 80% of the
functionality necessary,” she said. Bodfish asked what such a document (or pair of
documents) will do for the NCIP standard. “Will it bring more customers, attract more
implementers, or allow customers to be more effective in selecting solutions that work to
address their needs?” he said.
Campbell noted that some of the existing documentation (and NCIP itself) sometimes
seems too opaque. “People donʼt know why they want or need it. They are told they
need it because it exists,” she said. “Something explains what NCIP is and how it can
be used would help to educate. I go back to the Roadmap - maybe that isnʼt the right
title, but something with similar content that explains what, why, and how could be
Bodfish suggested that the appropriate title might be “Getting Started with NCIP.” He
indicated that it would explain how resource sharing and self-service work and where to
go to get more information and assistance. Iddings said that the document should
include the list of core messages since that helps to show why it isnʼt necessary to
implement 45 message pairs in order to make NCIP effective. Bodfish said that we will
need to be careful that the document does not suggest, for example, that there is only
one way to build a resource sharing application. “Using a brokered application to initiate
recall item, for example, doesnʼt make sense,” he continued. “The patron is not going to
use the interface of the broker to recall an item.” Walsh asked whether this might be a
“recipes” style of document. Bodfish said that those documents often fail to provide any
narrative or cohesive story that explains what they are trying to accomplish. “This
needs to be something that gives a customer enough information to have an intelligent
and effective conversation with a vendor,” he said.
Bodfish volunteered to draft a very early, very thin document that demonstrates the type
of content and style he feels is appropriate for this effort. He plans to focus on resource
sharing. Walsh agreed to do take Bodfishʼs draft and do the same for self-service. The
goal is to be able to publish these documents at next yearʼs ALA Midwinter conference.
The group further defined a goal statement and a set of objectives and other information
to guide these efforts:
Goal: To prepare a document that gives a customer enough information to select a
product that delivers on his or her goals and objectives for a specific functional area
(resource sharing, self-service, etc.)
10 of 26Objectives:
* Provide an overview of resource sharing (or other functional area)
* Describe how to think about NCIP
* Describe how the protocol helps to achieve the goals
*Identify where variations may complicate the issues
*Identify what other sorts of complexity might arise
* Outline the importance of communicating and discussing issues in detail with
* Explain the significance of NCIP roles
*Identify some of the things that NCIP does not do so that customers will have
reasonable expectations about what manual or external processes may still be
* Encourage customers to review the RFP Guidelines
Target Audience:
* Primary - customers wanting to select a system that uses NCIP to accomplish a
desired task
* This includes consultants who aid in this process
* Secondary - new implementers wanting to develop NCIP systems
* To consultants who help libraries select products
* To product managers at implementers who develop NCIP systems
* To libraries who might be thinking about selecting a product that uses NCIP
Theory of Use:
* Customer reviews the document
* Customer goes to the NCIP website to determine what support exists from current
vendors (using an “Implementer Discovery” chart)
* Customer reads the RFP Guidelines and prepares the RFP
* Customer sends the RFP to potential vendors
* Customer reviews Application Profiles for specific vendors and functions desired in the
system being considered
* Customer discusses details with implementers
Expanding the NCIP Implementers Group
Iddings asked who else should be part of this group. He suggested possibly reaching
out to open source vendors, eXtensible Catalog (xC) project members, LibraryThing,
Overdrive, IndexData, and CybraryN. Bodfish about the strategies we should use to
attract these other vendors. “With some,” he said, “weʼve already tried and weʼve not
been successful. Are we trying wrong, or are they really not interested in being part of
this group?” Boettcher said that some may perceive this to be an open and
implementable standard that does not require any level of involvement or participation
with the body who maintains it. One does not, for example, join the w3c in order to
send HTML. Wetzel said that there is a difference between joining the group and
11 of 26interacting with the group. “Perhaps,” she said, “we should encourage a level of
interaction short of full membership.” Bodfish suggested that, in that context, we may
have already been successful with people like Overdrive and IndexData. They are
getting the information they need to do what they want. Maybe we should encourage
vendors to designate a contact person. That would help us keep them informed. In
addition, we should encourage them to let us know of their implementations and their
Implementer Discovery and Status Reports
Gray asked how implementers keep their status information up to date. Walsh said that
implementers should send any updates to him, and he will make the necessary changes
to the appropriate section of the website. He added, though, that this does not make it
easy for us to learn about people who are implementing but who are not part of this
group. Wetzel suggested that we create an on-line form that anyone could complete to
report on their implementations. Iddings suggested that a Facebook presence might
attract more people. Wetzel said that we need something aimed at implementers that
describes what we would like for them to do to help keep us informed of their efforts.
Bodfish added that we should reach out to those whom we even think have an
implementation and make it easy for them to provide us with helpful information.
Core Message Implementations
Brown passed around a form for each implementer to complete to indicate which core
messages are supported. She explained that this is a start of what she and Campbell
are working on for identifying what support each implementer has in various products.
The group spent a few minutes completing the forms and returned them to Brown.
Enhancement Requests
Bodfish indicated that OCLC would like to be able to send multiple item ids as
alternative ways to identify an item. The group reviewed comments that OCLC included
with their vote on Version 2.
Request Item does not allow a combination of Bibliographic Id and Item Id, and it
does not allow either to be repeated.
Walsh said that, in the past, we have identified a potential for ambiguity where the
message could be construed to mean either ANY of the item ids or ALL of them.
Bodfish suggested that there might be a need for a flag that designates which rule we
want to the responder to apply. Gray said that these changes might have a large
potential impact since many messages might ultimately have this ANY OF capability.
Bodfish said that OCLCʼs request is specific to Request Item. “In other cases (like
Accept Item), the item has already been uniquely identified and a single, known id is
available,” he said. “I think we need to find a community of users who are interested in
12 of 26this kind of request and see if the details can be fleshed out.” Walsh indicated that
Wanner has expressed an interest in similar functionality in the past.
Bodfish introduced a second request, also from OCLCʼs vote on Version 2.
Bibliographic Record Id is not repeatable in Bibliographic Description of Accept
Item. Why canʼt an initiator send an OCLC number and an LCCN if it has both
for the record?
Bodfish explained that OCLC wants to share all the information that it has about an
item, possibly as an aid to collection development efforts. He said that there is no
expectation that the information will become part of any public records or indices.
Bodfish agreed to have off-line conversations with interested persons, to draft an
enhancement request, and to submit it in the future for consideration by the group.
Changes that were Dropped as part of the Version 2 Efforts
Bodfish reminded the group that there were changes that we wanted to incorporate in
Version 2, but, due to constraints imposed during the final editing phase, we were not
able to do so. Walsh agreed to review various notes from that period and compile a list
of items that were dropped.
Review Core Workflows
Wanner said that she was expecting the Core Workflows to be an educational piece that
allows customers to outline what they want to accomplish. Further, she said she thinks
those documents should be something implementers could use to identify what
messages (and what data elements) they support. “As a vendor,” she said, “if I knew
what other implementers support which messages and services, then I know how I can
interoperate with them without having to read lengthy vendor profiles.” Walsh said that
sounded similar to the chart Campbell and Brown agreed to create. Bodfish suggested
that we could add some data to the chart to identify the specific data elements that are
supported. Campbell said that the existing Application Profiles might be more
maintainable if the sections that describe the messages and data elements used could
be linked to the chart in some sort of data driven fashion. Wetzel asked if it would be
practical to make the entire profile into a dynamic electronic document rather than a
static PDF. Bodfish said that there are several sections, though, that require lengthy
text elements, and those may not lend themselves to electronic delivery. Most in the
group agreed that pushing to get the data-specific portions into an on-line and electronic
form is reasonable. Trying to put the text section in the same form, though, may be
Wanner suggested that we need some kind of form that vendors could fill in to indicate
which messages and data elements are supported. “Many programmers,” she said,
“tend to ignore the more verbose text sections and focus solely on the messages, data
13 of 26elements, and state tables.” Gray said that we need to keep Version 1 and Version 2
information separate with respect to support for various messages. “It needs to be
clear,” he said, “whether a responder is supporting only one or both versions.” Walsh
asked if the form Brown and Campbell are designing could be expanded to include this
information. Bodfish said that, given the depth of the schema, trying to create a form
that replicates that depth may be challenging. Wanner suggested that we start with the
messages and the top-level data elements. Gray agreed that, if we take care to identify
the “gotchas,” then such an approach seems reasonable. Wanner said that it is often
easier to steer programmers to something that is complete rather than pointing them at
separate, incomplete documents. She volunteered to extend the form Brown and
Campbell are preparing and provide something that takes the information to the next
level of detail. Gray agreed to assist by addressing the responder side of resource
sharing, and Boettcher agreed to undertake a similar effort for self-service. Bodfish
recommended that Wanner, Gray, and Boettcher make note of areas where they see
potential implementation challenges as they compiles the information.
LITA Presentation Review
Wanner, Campbell, and Brown provided a preview of the presentation scheduled to be
given at this yearʼs LITA conference (October 2, 2009). The group provided feedback
and suggested changes.
Review Plans for Next ALA and LITA
Walsh provided a brief summary of the discussion around the NCIP test bed and the
idea about having a live demonstration or “bake-off” style session. He explained that,
because of various technical challenges with an always-available test bed, the group
had focused an idea to have an educational session at ALA, followed by a “bake-off”
style demonstration at LITA. Wanner expressed a concern that many in the ILL
community do not attend LITA. Walsh suggested that we could plan the sessions so
that the ALA presentation could be aimed at those interested in ILL with the hopes that
they would encourage the more technical people in their organizations to attend the
demonstration at LITA. Wanner suggested that we should consider holding an event at
a future resource sharing forum.
The group then revisited the idea of a test bed. Ultimately, the group reached the
conclusion that, in many ways, an accessible test bed is as much or more work than the
current approach we use to facilitate implementer-to-implementer testing.
Demonstration of Prototype for Capturing Implementer Message Exchange
Gray demonstrated a sample XML format for capturing, analyzing, and reporting the
structure of NCIP messages exchanged between implementers. The goal of such a
system would be to provide a foundation or database of information that might be used
with the implementer registry. The group identified significant potential in this sort of
approach, particularly as a fairly easy way to document sample messages that are
14 of 26exchanged under certain circumstances. The group discussed some of the challenges
and caveats. Wanner indicated that, while this seems like a very useful approach, there
may still be a need to wade through the various samples and locate similarities and
differences between the same messages exchanged between different partners.
Bodfish said that he has a stylesheet that will go through XML messages and generate
a spreadsheet to analyze sets of messages against which it is run. It could be used to
generate a display that shows which products send which messages with what data
Gray volunteered to continue work on the prototype, providing appropriate annotations
where they are necessary. Bodfish stressed the importance of protecting patron
confidentiality and privacy, and he strongly suggested that each vendor provide samples
with “clean” data. Boettcher showed a document 3M sends to other implementers
outlining the messages sent and the expected responses. The document includes
actual XML samples, and Boettcher indicated that it would not be hard to extract
portions and put them into the format Gray demonstrated.
Thursday, September 24
Update on Recall Item
Walsh read a message Jackson sent in response to an inquiry about the reasons why
Recall Item is in the core message set. Her note indicated that she does not recall the
specific details, but she does believe it is “useful to include in the core message set.”
Boettcher said that, as a self-service implementer, Recall Item is not useful. “However,”
she continued, “there are other messages that are not in the core message set that
would be beneficial.” Wanner asked whether we should work toward a core set
specifically for self-service in addition to the current core set which may be more aimed
at resource sharing. Boettcher said that she believes that we should continue to
promote the core set as it is, then encourage implementers to support an additional 5 or
so messages that provide extra functionality (fines payment, undo checkout, etc.).
OʼBrien suggested that we make a point to revisit Recall Item and try to better
understand why it is part of the core message set. This discussion should take place at
a time when Jackson and Stewart can participate since they were the ones who lobbied
for its inclusion at the April 2009 meeting. Walsh and Bodfish each agreed that an item
should be placed on the agenda for the next conference call.
Campbell said that, if we leave Recall Item in the core, but the Implementers Group
generally feels that it is unnecessary, then we may be back to where we were before the
core message set was defined. If a library administrator specifies support for the core
set, but he or she gets support for fewer than all 9 messages, then he or she is likely to
be frustrated.
The group discussed the idea of defining a second set of additionally useful messages
that provide functionality over and above what is available with the core set.
15 of 26Bodfish said that part of the problem is that we donʼt have a clear and agreed upon
definition of what the core message set is. We might decide that other messages in the
core are not necessary to provide 80% of the labor saving benefits of NCIP. Cancel
Request, Renew Item, and Lookup Item, for example, may not truly be necessary to
achieve a level of automation that provides real benefit.
Gray asked whether an implementer with support for 8 messages would need to add
support for the 9th in order to say “We support the core message set.” In his specific
case, there is no functionality that requires support for Recall Item. He could implement
a response, but the response would always indicate that the Recall Item request could
not be processed. Campbell suggested that the core message set could be defined as
8 messages for use in public environments where Recall Item is rarely or never used
and 9 messages in academic environments where Recall Item may be both useful and
required. OʼBrien noted that the point of the core message set was to define a minimal
implementation. “It was not meant,” he added, “to be 9 messages plus or minus one.”
The group continued discussing this point and concluded that, for the core message set
to be useful for defining a minimal implementation, saying “Yes, I support the core
message set” means that support is available for all the messages in the core. In the
context of an RFP, this might mean answering a question like “Do you support the NCIP
core message set?” with one of the following responses:
*“Yes, we support all the messages in the core message set except for Recall Item
because Recall Item is not necessary in the context of our application.”
*“No, we do not support all the messages in the core message set because Recall Item
is not necessary in the context of our application.”
The group discussed the differences between how a responder uses the core message
set and how an initiator uses it. OʼBrien and Bodfish suggested that it should be
possible for an initiator to claim support for the core set if all the messages necessary to
perform the tasks the initiator can perform come from the core set. In other words, if an
initiator who does checkout item uses the NCIP Checkout Item message, then the
initiator supports the core set. This helps to address the situations where self-service
applications may never need to support messages like Accept Item. Responders,
though, need to support all of the messages in the core.
The group agreed that further discussions are necessary, both to address how initiators
may be able to claim support for the core message set and to revisit the composition of
the core message set itself.
16 of 26Conference Call with Members of the eXtensible Catalog (xC) Project
Present on the call:
Jennifer Bowen
Randy Cook
David Lindahl
??? [Editorʼs note: I did not catch the name of the third participant from xC]
Dan Iddings
Bowen summarized the work of the xC project. “We are developing open source
software for libraries under various Mellon grants,” she said. She further explained that
they are developing a suite of applications that may be used separately or together.
The applications can harvest data, normalize it, aggregate it, and provide a UI built on
Drupal so that libraries have the option to implement their own OPAC. There are four
different toolkits: OEI, Metadata Services, Drupal front-end, and NCIP toolkit. The
NCIP toolkit provides an interface to the ILS patron database, primarily for user lookup
and account information. They are working to provide some circulation functionality,
primarily for C-ILL. They will have some web services that provide other functions. In
order to use the NCIP toolkit, a customer need ILS-specific software (called drivers),
and there are xC partners who are building those components. They provide extensive
documentation that enables Java developers to build these ILS-specific drivers. They
hope to be able to share the drivers with other customers via the xC website. They
implemented only a subset of the NCIP protocol. They meet level three of the ILS-DI
task force requirements, and they have defined some additional messages to provide
additional functionality (xcGetAvailability to get circulation status for a screenful of items
and xcLookupUser to get patron information needed for ILS-DI but not exposed via
NCIP). Other extensions to NCIP include improved error reporting (available in “loose
mode”; strict mode uses only what is available within the NCIP standard). The NCIP
toolkit is available via Google Code, and it includes sample Voyager and Aleph drivers.
Cornell has added support for four additional NCIP messages in order to provide
functionality specifically for their own environment. Ultimately, the level of support for
the various messages depends on what data and services are available from the
backend system.
Bodfish said that he has downloaded the code and was very impressed. “You should be
proud of what you have accomplished,” he said. He asked the xC members what the
NCIP IG can do to help make some of the extensions part of the standard. The xC
group explained that they did not know what the process is for requesting changes, but
the functionality that they added was necessary and were considered to be showstoppers. Further, they found the error reporting facilities built into the standard to be
insufficient for their purposes. Bodfish indicated that we will be moving to a process for
continuous maintenance, and that will permit us to accommodate enhancements more
frequently than on a five year cycle. Bowen volunteered to compile the various
extensions the xC project has implemented, including some information about why they
were needed and a specific contact person, and send those to the NCIP IG.
17 of 26Wanner indicated that we would be interested in having a representative from the xC
project as part of the NCIP IG, and we are interested in future collaboration, either inperson or by phone. Bowen said that they will keep that in mind for the future. What
they are doing is working well for them right now. Wetzel suggested that they might
want to subscribe to the NCIP community interest list.
A member of the xC project asked whether the NCIP IG tracked other open source
NCIP projects. Bodfish said that we try to keep track, and we have heard that both
Koha and Evergreen may be doing open source NCIP, but we havenʼt seen anything.
“They are partners with us, and we think they are using our toolkit,” replied the xC.
The xC project asked about the availability of a tool that would permit them to validate
that their NCIP is correct. OʼBrien asked whether the project uses any tools to parse
the schema and generate Java code from it. “This helps to ensure that the messages
conform to the schema,” he said. The xC, though, is interested in more than just simple
message conformance. “We want a sample or test client that ensures that the entire
NCIP conversation is handled correctly.” Bodfish said that all we have now are
recommendations for tools that will help to ensure the messages are built properly. “I
canʼt imagine a more important missing piece,” responded the xC. Wanner said that,
today, most of that testing is performed between specific implementers. Wetzel added
that, although weʼve talked about a test bed, weʼre finding it to be a very difficult
undertaking. “Weʼre thinking now that it might be more practical to encourage vendors
to make test systems public,” she said. Wanner suggested that there are probably
several implementers who would be willing to test with the xC project. Bowen agreed to
send Wanner some information that would allow initiators to test with the xC responder.
Bodfish suggested that we add something to the NCIP website that allows implementers
to find potential testing partners.
The xC asked if the NCIP IG would be able to help them find partners for developing
drivers for additional ILS systems. Bowen added that they are specifically interested in
support for SirsiDynix. Iddings said that there are members within PALCI using Unicorn
and Symphony who might be willing to collaborate. Bowen also indicated that, while
they have a partner using III with Orcale, they are interested in finding a III site using the
non-Oracle version.
OʼBrien asked what version of NCIP the xC project is using. Version 1 was the
Walsh asked how the developers who are building the ILS-specific drivers are getting
the necessary technical information. The xC project indicated that the Voyager
implementation uses a combination of direct calls to the database and, only when
necessary, screen scraping. “We hope to upgrade our interfaces as ILS vendors
provide more standard ways to access the systems.” They added, too, that their
documentation provides a good guide for how to write drivers for additional ILS.
Wanner asked if they will rely on the open source community to provide updates as
18 of 26necessary to accommodate ILS updates and changes. “Yes, we feel that the
community will continue to adapt and provide support for ILS changes.”
The groups thanked each other for participating on the call and agreed to exchange
information that will allow us to keep each other informed of future progress and
Bodfish said that it seems that we can help them and others like them if we make sure
they know about out conference calls and meetings, help them find testing partners,
clarify the defect reporting and enhancement request processes, and educate them
about the various development tools that are available. Wanner added that the xC
project underscored the challenges associated with testing implementations. Bodfish
said that may mean that it is valuable to do a simple website tool like Gray suggested
where XML messages could be pasted and sent and responses received and reviewed,
just to ensure that the conversation occurred properly.
Social Event at ALA 2010
Wanner asked if we want to organize another social event at a future ALA. Boettcher
asked how successful the last one was. Walsh replied that it was not particularly well
attended. Bodfish added that we failed to attract anyone from the target audience:
librarians. Wanner suggested that it might require us to establish a pattern at both
midwinter and annual in order for the event to be successful. “We didnʼt do enough
promotion,” she added. Campbell said that it definitely needs to be promoted earlier
and on the list serves that librarians use. Wanner asked whether it would be more
successful if it were sponsored. Campbell said that she doesnʼt believe that makes a
very big difference. She suggested that the Next Generation Catalog for Libraries
(NGC4LIB) list serve would be a good place to promote, as would the LITA-L list serve.
Bodfish suggested Code4Lib. Wanner said that we could probably get the LAMA/
RUSA group to post something.
Wanner then asked about organizing an educational session at ALA, and she suggested
that we discuss it in a future conference call. Wetzel indicated that we have until April
before we would need to book a room with ALA. She then asked whether we should
begin planning an event a LITA 2010. Wanner suggested that we revisit the idea after
this yearʼs LITA conference is complete.
Next Meeting
Wanner asked where we should hold our next meeting. Walsh reminded the group that
the other two sites that had offered to host this one were Ottawa (Relais) and
Baltimore / Washington, D.C. (NISO). Gray reported that he was investigating whether
Polaris would host. Wanner indicated that would be very convenient for doing
something with the eXtensible Catalog project. OʼBrien offered that OCLC would host
again. The group agreed to wait until Gray had information from Polaris before making
a decision.
19 of 26Implementation Profile for using REST
Bodfish indicated that OCLC is interested in working on a new NCIP Implementation
Profile that would use REST over HTTP. The Jangle project ( and seems to be a
step in this direction. Gray asked whether REST is secure. Bodfish said that it can be
delivered via HTTPS. Wanner asked if the idea is to require support for REST or to
simply make it possible to use REST. Bodfish indicated that it could be added to the list
of supported transports, or it could be incorporated into a new Implementation Profile.
Implementers would be able to choose whether to support REST either in addition to or
in place of currently supported transports. Bodfish said that OCLC believes this to be a
good idea because there are many tools available to facilitate REST. Also, just like
HTTP, REST is better understood by firewalls and by network administrators. It is
sometimes better handled by routers. It is not likely to make any existing
implementations easier. Instead, it would be more difficult since implementers would
have to add support for a new transport. However, it might make implementation less
objectionable to some customers and new implementers. Bodfish added that some
tools may be able to generate code to support REST and the current transports at the
same time. Wanner suggested that we might encourage implementers to use REST
with Version 2.
Bodfish agreed that OCLC will draft something like a proposal when they are ready to
move forward and post it to the list so that it can be discussed in a subsequent
conference call.
Wanner asked if there were any other new business items for discussion. Hearing none
offered, she adjourned the meeting.
20 of 26Appendix A - Action Items
What Who By When
Publish Continuous Maintenance
Walsh After ANSI approval
Discuss possible ALA and LITA
Group October conference
Revise RFP Guidelines Bodfish, Gray,
ALA Midwinter 2010
Prepare chart for implementers to
indicate which core messages are
implemented with which partners;
include version supported and
NCIP role
Jackson, Brown
Prepare a very rough draft of a
“Getting Started with NCIP”
document focused on resource
Bodfish Oct 9, 2009
Prepare a “Getting Started with
NCIP” document focused on selfservice
Walsh Dec 7, 2009
Prepare finished versions of “Getting
Started with NCIP”
TBD ALA Midwinter 2010
Review notes from Version 2 editing
phase and compile list of changes
that were dropped in order to
determine if any need to be
resubmitted as enhancement
Walsh November
conference call
Extend the core messages support
chart to add detail about data
Wanner, Gray
Boettcher (selfservice)
21 of 26What Who By When
Extend the message analysis
prototype in an effort to build a
system for identifying which systems
send what messages with what data
Gray TBD
Discuss Recall Item and whether it
belongs in the core message set
Group October conference
Select the site for the spring meeting Group October conference
22 of 26Appendix B - Photos of Flip Charts Used During the Meeting
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