Michelle Suranofsky, a Sr. Developer at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA has written about her experience and work on the XC NCIP Toolkit in a code4lib article called "Joining an Open Source Community: Creating a Symphony Connector for the XC NCIP Toolkit". You can find the full content here.
The open source community of software developers working on and supporting the eXtensible Catalog’s (XC) NCIP Toolkit is pleased to announce the release of new software:
The best way to ask questions is by signing up for and using the NCIP Toolkit mailing list. The developers involved in the released code have all agreed to field questions as they come in. Sign up for the NCIP Toolkit mailing list as well as other XC lists. The open source community of software developers working on and supporting the eXtensible Catalog’s (XC) NCIP Toolkit is extremely happy to announce the first production use of the new NCIP Toolkit that supports version 2.0 of the NCIP protocol. Lehigh University, a member of Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium, Inc (PALCI) is using the XC NCIP Toolkit as a way to perform circulation functions between their SirsiDynix Symphony ILS and the newly released resource sharing system named E-ZBorrow. Last year, PALCI selected Relais D2D to power their E-ZBorrow resource sharing system for 52 academic libraries in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and West Virginia. E-ZBorrow allows patrons to search across the member library catalogs and request circulating items directly from any partner library.
Lehigh is able to participate in this resource sharing system through development of a SirsiDynix NCIP “connector” that uses the following NCIP services: